chapter-13-Too quiet.

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"Cale nya are you cold?" On asked as he stared at Cale who was soaked wet.

After the discovery of his so called 'ghost', Cale slip and fell into the sea.

That was the reason for his clothes to be wet. And once he was back on land he was able to see the 'ghost'.

Right now they are back in his room in the Ubarr mansion because the 'ghost' or should he say the dying whale asked him to save him.

"So sad nya." "Yeah sad nya." On and Hong commented as the circle the unconscious whale.

How did he know it was a whale? Well his mother was a very knowledgeable person after all.

"What happened to him nya?" On asked as she look at Cale with anticipation.

"Mermaid poison." Cale said one word and on was quick to understand. She was a smart girl like her guardian.

"Can I eat it nya?" Hong asked because he wanted to try out the lethal poison.

Cale shake his head. "I don't think so. Let's stick to normal poisons for now ok?"

'If these kids get more vicious than they are, I think I might be scared for my life.'

Cale shudder shudder the thought. "Gramps Ron and the youngest are back."

Hong announced as he went to greet the two who went to kill mermaid. "Human look we got the arm you asked for."

Cale stare at the arm and just nodded. Then Cale extended his hanf asking for the arm.

Ron handed it over with a benign smile. Cale didn't didn't want to know how they manage to kill mermaid and retrieve the arm.

However Ron was smiling because of a different reason. While Cale was out on his evening stroll something happened.

Ron was glad that his puppy was out. His eyes turn cold at the thought of his puppy getting hurt.

While Cale was shaking under his gaze. He felt all the hair on his body stand up. 'Vicious old man.'

After that he cure the whale and was about to sleep when a call came in.

Cale groan as he told Raon to connect the call. "You have three seconds."

Cale scrowl as he glare at the blond in the communication device.

-My my instructor-nim what a pleasure to see you too.

"Your three seconds is up." Cale said as he grab the communication device.

-Wait..- Wa- Cale Henitu- Don't you dar-

Before Alberu can even finish saying anything Cale throw the communication device into the sea from the balcony.

"Ah peace and quiet." He said as he fall into slumber nit caring that there a confused whale in his room.

The next morning when Ron wake him up the whale was already gone.

Cale happily ate his breakfast with a light heart as he got something precious. The water from the cave.

-Cale I want to eat bacon as well. -Gluttony

-Cale eat. Your fu***** weak body need fu***** food to survive. -Sky eating water.

-Cale the water you found is called the Dominating water. Also known as the Fire-Suppressing water. -Super rock.

-I don't like that thing. -Cheapskate

-You juts don't like it because it can suppress any type of fire. -Thief.

Cale as usual ignore his ancient powers after he know what he want to know.

After breakfast Cale went down to the front of the mansion where everyone was gathering preparing to take off.

When Cale went and stand beside Alberu, Alberu has his normal smile but Cale can see that he is pissed.

But Cale could careless. Who told him to disturb his sleep. "You seem to have a very goodnight sleep instructor-nim."

"Ah of course your highness. Thanks to your highness majestic presence this humble noble was able to be at ease and sleep well the entire night."

'Majestic presence my ass. This bastard is talking shamelessly as if he didn't just throw my communication device into the sea.'

Alberu was pissed. He was about to talk about the 'thing' that happened near Cale's room last night.

His expression turn chilly as he remember what happened. Cale could've gotten hurt last night.

While Cale was confused as to why the atmosphere change in a matter of seconds.

They will go by via ship. Because of the whirlpools, the group was split into two.

Alberu, Cale, Choi Han, Rosalyn, Lock, Beacrox, the children, Ron, some knights and some servants.

The ministers and the rest of the envoy is on the other ship. Amiru arrange it this way for Cale.

She knew how much Cale doesn't like those old hags. No matter how much is love to see Cale's cute pouting face she would rather nit make Cale uncomfortable.

Thus their journey begins via ship. Their next stop was the home of the guardian knight, Paerun kingdom.

(Where Cale will be first labeled as a Saint but he doesn't need to know that. Ho ho ho~)

Meanwhile once Cale and the envoy took off a letter arrived at the office of Eric Wheelsman.

Excited he immediately took the letter and open it since it has the seal of the Ubarr.

His dongsaeng was in the Ubarr after all. Eric told Amiru to take care of Cale.

But as he keep on reading the letter Eric eyes darken. His fists clench hard to the point it broke the pen in his grip.

"Amiru was right, we really have been too quiet."


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