chapter-31-A miles away.

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Cale was served dinner by Ron as soon as he sat down. Cale didn't notice it but all eyes were on him as soon as he take the spoon.

Cale took the first bite and flavors exploded in his mouth. It must've been Beacrox who cooked it.

Cale was about to take the second bite but a thought immediately came to his mind.

'Wait Beacrox cook this. He wouldn't .........poison it ......would he? Didn't he wanted to get rid of me from Ron's side? He even stood by and watch me be beaten up by Choi Han.'

Then another thought came. 'I will catch some delicious rabbit for you.'

The image of Ron with a rabbit in one hand and a bloody dagger on the other and Beacrox with a poison bottle in one hand and a bowl of rabbit soup on the other came to his mind.

Cale felt like he was about to throw up and he lost his appetite at that moment.

"Young master, are you alright?" Cale was snapped out of his thoughts by Ron's voice.

"Is something the matter?" Cale shake his head. "I'm fine. I just lost my appetite."

Cale said as he stood up. "You all could eat without me." "Young master should I prepare something else?"

Cale shake his head. "I've lost my appetite." Cale went inside the carriage. The whole area went dead silent.

"It must've been his first time to see so much blood." Choi Han mumble. "Poor young master." Rosalyn pity the noble.

"He's so weak." Lock mumble. "Or he was just being a brat and think that this soup is not worthy for his gold coated tongue."

Beacrox grumble as he keep eating his dinner. Beacrox glace at his father to see his father looking at him with a complicated expression.

Cale didn't came out of the carriage for the whole night. The morning came and Cale didn't came out for breakfast.

"Is the young master not eating breakfast?" Ron smile at Rosalyn. "I'm afraid my young master is still resting right now."

"Is it normal for a human to sleep that much?"Lock question. "For a lazy human it is."

Beacrox commented. Ron could only sighed and said nothing more. Soon the journey continued with Cals not coming out of the carriage.

They reached the Ubarr territory by noon and they saw Amiru with Eric and Gilbert waiting for their arrival.

Only once they're carried stop in front of the Ubarr estate, Cale came out of the carriage.

"Young master cale." Amiru took the first step to greet Cale, followed by Eric's 'how have you been Cale' and Gilbert's nod.

"It's nice to see you all again." Cale greeted them back. After exchanging pleasantries they went inside to talk a bit before Cale returning to rest.

The night ended without any hindrances but there was an incident where Cale decided to ask his friends about the weird disappearance or bankruptcy of some of the nobels from the second and third prince’s faction.

Because it seems weird but he was only greeted back with 'uh you don't need to worry about anything Cale' 'don't worry your noonas and hyungs will take care of it' and 'just rest up little one' by Eric Amiru and Gilbert respectively.

Cale deecided to just ignore that matter for now and let's stop asking about. Yeah, His instinct was telling him that he should stop asking about it as about this matter is left unsolved.

Cale slept withbgoosebump all over his body that night and the next morning came easily.

Cale, the heros, and Cale’s group(Rom, On , Hong and Raon) are ready to set off to the Whipper kingdom,

Aas soon as Cale came down, they set off to the Whipper kingdom. After one day and 2 night, they arrived at the Whipper kingdom's shores.

Billos was waiting for Cale with a carriage ready. "Billos right on time." "Of course I'll have to come greet my biggest customer."

Billios reply with his piggy bank smile. Cale just nodded then Billos eyes turn to the people behind Cale.

"Oh ,it seem your group has increased." Cale just groan. "Is everything ready?" Billios turned back to Cale.

"Of course young master. Everything has been prepared for your arrival." Cals nodded. "Let's go Billos."

Billos led Cale and his crew to the carriage and they took off. On the way, Billos explains about the actuation of the Whipper kingdom to Cale.

He took them directly to the director's tent. Cale has already made Raon and Rosalyn hide their presence.

Cale was looking around while Billos went into the director's tent. There were many dead bodies.

Everyone was looking around them. When the wind blew, the horrible smell of the battle field enter his nose.

His group who thought the change in his expression from the bodies got worried for Cale.

But not too long they heard noises in the tent. The entrance of the tent was ripped opened and somebody bloody came out.

"I smell a strong person." Toonka's eyes landed on Cale's groip the moment he came out and Ron and Choi Han were already in front of Cale ready to protect him.

'Tch this feral dog. I let this go this one time.' 'Even though I don't like him. I'll have to protect him under his Highness's order.'

Toonka look at them with a crazy glint in his eye. It landed on Ron and Choi han. "Are you guys the ones emitting the strong smell?"

Just as Toonka ran toward them like a madman, he caught the red hidden behind the two.

Toonka frown as he started approaching the assassin and sword master. This time tenderly than before.

The red behind them is a bloody red that he has seen before but not like those dirty blood, it's a beautiful shade of blood red that Toonka could spot out over from a miles away.

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