chapter-3-Patted him.

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Alberu could only keep it in and not say anything because he is the older one and definitely is not SCARED of his devil like instructor.

And definitely not because he was traumatised by the last time Cale got angry at him and decided to make him pull an all night by destroying half the Tolz territory and found a baby dragon accidentally.

And proceed to destroy Venion Stan and make his brother, Taylor Stan, the heir by healing his legs and manipulating the whole kingdom into executing Venion publicly.

Of course Cale was the mastermind behind all those while Alberu had to deal with the aftermath.

Thanks to that he had to pull an all-nighter for three days. Because he also forbade Tasha from helping him by saying she is spoiling Alberu too much.

Yep. Alberu is not scared. Definitely not. There is no way he is scared.

Alberu was disrupted with his thoughts when they hit the platform. He makes a fake gesture like he forgot.

"Ah how could I forget about my instructor-nim. This prince apologies for this. It seems I still have much to learn."

He smiles and speaks respectfully to Cale. Making all the nobels' faces turn into more shock if that was possible.

"It seems there are no more seats. How about sitting beside me instructor-nim?"

Cale smiles just as bright as Alberu is smiling right now. "How could this lowly me sit beside the future shining sun of the kingdom."

However Alberu could hear Cale's true words with his eyes. 'What the hell are you doing you bastard.'

Alberu just smiles more brightly. "That won't do instructor-nim you are someone who I respect very much. How could you say that you have more than enough reasons to sit beside me."

As Alberu said, the face of the queen and the other two prince's turned sour.

The platform consists of three stages. The king on the highest stage, then the queen and the crown prince, the other prince's were on the lowest stage just a step away from the ground where the nobles are sitting.

"I'm afraid I am not worthy of your highness." 'You better stop this nonsense right now.'

Cale's eyes seem to be saying those words but Alberu decided to ignore it.

'After all this bastard instructor of mine always gives me a headache. So it's fine for me to take revenge.'

"But instructor-nim-" Alberu looked around the plaza. "Everywhere else seems to be full."

'Liar!' That was the thought that was running through everyone else's head, including Cale.

"Your instructor is right, Alberu." The king, Zed Crossman spoke up at that moment.

Cale looked at the king in admiration. 'My saviour' However it disappeared as soon as he heard his next words.

"There are plenty of spaces beside me, he can sit here." The whole plaza turned quiet at those words.

All eyes went to Cale. Cale's smile was twitching as he held back from swearing at the king.

'Uncle you traitor! Why are you looking proud? Like you had done something praise worthy?'

Cale was screaming in his head. "Then I will take a seat beside my student-nim."

'I would rather sit with this fucking annoying bastard then to be eyed like a piece of steak the whole celebration.'

"Perfect then please arrange it." The servants quickly arrange everything as they were told.

But they all stole glances at the supposed trash of the Henitsue county, Cale henituse.

'Who the hell is Cale henituse!' That was the thoughts of the nobles at the moment.

Everything was arranged fast at the order of the king. Cale was seated beside Alberu.

He made eye contact with Basen at the moment. That's why he didn't see the smirk the crown prince gave to the king.

While Cale was looking at his brother. Basen just smiled and nodded at Cale.

Cale didn't know what Basen was smiling about so he just nodded. Then he turned his attention to being stolen by the invisible baby dragon that was on his lap.

That's why he didn't see the smug face Basen has as he makes eye contact with the other nobles.

The baby dragon who the crown prince was sneaking cookies toward. Cale slapped Alberu's hand that was handing the baby dragon his third cookie.

"Your highness stops feeding him dessert before a proper meal. He will get sick." Cale said through gritted teeth.

Alberu almost frowned. 'This disrespectful punk just hit my hand. Me the crown prince's hand.'

Cale could also feel the baby dragon's disagreement.

-Human I am not weak. I will not get sick.

'Raon no!' Cale sternly said not leaving any room for argument. Raon just frowned and could only grumble.

Cale just sighs and patted him.

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