chapter-18-White hair

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My beloved reader I have returned(^-^). I'm sorry that I was gone for so long. School just ended.

One more academic year and I'm finally out of this hell called high school and your author's gonna be a uni student.

Who wanna guess my age?

Anyways let's get to the story shall we?


-Human it's Cookie Prince and that white dog.

Cale was smiling while looking at the two approaching figure but his mouth twitch when he heard Raon's comment.

'White dog? Is Raon talking about Clopeh Sekka?' Cale had no idea why Raon was calling Clopeh a white dog. Before anyone knew it, the blonde and the white head were already in front of Cale who was disguised as a priest.

'Let's get this shitshow was starting.' He remember what the sky eating water said when he first got here.

That crazy kid had pointed him toward the lake and said

-The lake that was where I was in prison before I wrote the letter of resignation.

As the crazy kid said that Cale ask Ron about the lake and heard about the legend and the god but what his ancient Powers said were different.

-No there is no God or anything. Water does stop flowing in that lake due to the greed of the people. They built at dam to keep the water in the lake but they didn't realize that they blocked their only water source.

-The reason they think that this was a God's lake is because of the way the river was flowing. The river flow into the lake and there is no more River to flow out of the lake but the lake never overflow. And the people took this as a blessing of God.

-But the thing they don't know is that the water in this Lake doesn't overflow because of a gods blessing or anything. Water soaked into the soil and created a river underground and flow into the ocean from underground.

-By creating this dam there's no more water to flow into the lake and the remaining water had already been dried up. Cale, I want to ask you this favor please break that dam.

He have never heard the crazy kids sound calm and polite. So he accepted to help without any thought and a plan pop into his head.

A plan where he can break the dam and get what he came here for in one go. He's going to hit two birds with one stone. Of course with the help of a certain Legend obsessed guy.

Cale’s smile grew more wide as he thought about his perfect plan. Alberu felt chills after seeing that bright smile.

He is having a hunch that his instructor is going to create a shitshow where he'll have to clean up after but will benefit them a lot.

Alberu can already feel a headache. 'I feel bad for him.' He look at the main target of his instructor and pity Clopeh for the shitshow Cale was going to create.

Meanwhile Clopeh was feeling chills the more closer he got to the white hair individual thanks to his dominating aura.

"Greeting gentlemen a chilly evening wouldn’t you say?" Cale greeted them politely with a soft smile.

Then he turned to the lake without waiting for a reply. Clopeh's eyes follow the strang individual. He he have never seen this priest before.

But Clopeh felt strange about him. "Nothing in this world is definite. Over time even the snake can become a wyvern." Clopeh flinch and Alberu was not one to miss it.

Alberu wonder what Cale is really up to. He will tell him about it if it is something he should know about.

But he can help but be curious.  Clopeh tried to talk but his voice fail him and the priest voice fill the air once again. But this time Clopeh feel as if an oracle is being read.

"The gods are on edge Guardian knight. Change will soon rain upon the kingdom. Mark my words. Knight. your dream will come true in the near future. But, beware the higher you trying to climb the greater your fall will be."

The surrounding become as quiet as the night. The wind blew at the moment, creating a more chilly atmosphere.

Clopeh become still due to shock. When he got to his senses, the priest was already walking away. He immediately ordered his knights to start following the priest.

The priest disappear in the middle of the crowd. No matter how much they search, the priest seem to have vanished.

They investigate about the priest but no one seem to know who he was and where he is. There wasn't any kind of record about it as well.

With the wall flower who was left behind,

Alberu look around him. "Did I just got left behind." Tasha shake her head while petting her nephew who was forgotten.

Alberu sigh loudly while holding his head. "Let's just go back." Tasha wants to laugh at her nephew and his instructor but keep it in as she doesn't want her nephew to grow white hair yet.

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