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"get out of my damn car"

"ha! see ya bitch" ashley says laughing at faith

"whatever" faith gets out while rolling her eyes


faith turns around confused



"i said no. ashley is being a bitch. if anyone should leave it's her"

faith looks at ashley smirking

"im not leaving! that thing should leave!" ashley says looking at faith up and down disgusted

"do not call her that. now get the fuck out of the car ashley"

faith just stands there quietly

"whatever. you people aren't worth my time anyways" ashley says getting out of the car

"bye bitch" ashley says walking up to faith

"that's it"

faith punches ashley right in the nose causing her to fall to the floor

"matty! help me! she just punched me baby! do something!" ashley says screaming

faith and chris pushed matt out of the car while faith gets in the drivers seat and chris gets in the passenger seat

"what the fuck!" matt yells as faith drove away leaving the couple behind

"faith we are breaking the law...." Chris says worried

"its okay chris, im a good driver. i might not have my license but i am a damn good driver" faith says not looking away from the road

after a few minutes of silence faith decided to speak up. "thank you for sticking up for me back there chris"

"always faith, i love you so much and I'm not letting some girl that acts like a five year old ruin our day" chris said smiling at her

"oh shit"

"what chris?"

my lover boy

my lover boy
Chris you guys better
get the fuck back here
right now

no matt, i can't believe
you let ashley speak to
faith like that, im actually
very disappointed in you

my lover boy
Faith deserves it

no she fucking doesn't matthew
faith is a great girl and if you
actually gave her a chance
you would know that
don't talk to me until you fucking
apologize to her

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now