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*phone rings*

"what the fuck" faith says waking up and answering the phone

my loser friend

hey, how's your job going?

its going well, you don't need to worry about me

i always worry about you

that was cute

how's new york treating you?

great! i love it so much!
how's it going over there?

not well, you've been gone for a year and your mom still haven't even realized like what the fuck

I'm honestly not surprised

so I was thinking faith.....

uh oh, that's not good

hey! that's mean!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! continue

what if I moved up there with you and you know who?

you should! as long as no one knows you're moving with me. I'm sure he'll be fine with it

yes of course

thank you
but you should definitely move up here! i haven't seen you in a year!

i know! i grew my hair out!

you already told me that silly

oh right
well I gotta get going before he comes in

okay, i love and miss you!

i love and miss you more faith

bye my loser friend

bye my favorite friend

as the phone hung up, faith got up to get ready for work

she sees the note from her boyfriend saying that he already left for the day since he got called in early

faith works at a local coffee shop called orlando cafe and she loves it there

her best friend johnny works there as well

his parents own the shop so she met him through them

"johnny! my man!" faith says while doing finger guns at him

"faith! my girl!" johnny says doing the same thing as they both start laughing and then started working

"did he call you this morning?" johnny says while serving a customer

"yes he did, we were talking about how he should move up here!" faith said excitedly

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now