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"alright guys I gotta go, I'll see you guys later!" faith yells out to chris and nick who were watching tv

"okay, be safe, love you" chris yells out to her

"what chris said! i love you!" nick soon yells out after chris

"I love you guys! bye!" she yells back before walking out the front door and going down the stairs since she's scared of elevators

"hey girls!" faith says as she sits down next to the two girls

"hey faith!" one says while the other asks how she's doing

"I'm good! how are you doing leya?" she asks back

"I'm good!" leya responds

"and how are you doing lizzy?" faith asks looking at the other girl

"I'm alright! thank you for asking!" lizzy says smiling at her

faith smilies back at her and asks what the girls are getting

they soon order and talk for the next hour

"do you guys lowkey want to go to the mall?" lizzy asks after a few moments of comfortable silence

the other two girls agree and they head over to the mall

"so how are you and nate doing?" lizzy asks the girl next to her as she's driving

"it's going....that's for sure" faith says while looking out the window

"are you okay faith?" the girl in the back asks

"yeah, he's just been really weird lately" she says looking back at leya

"well let's go shopping and forget all about boys!" lizzy says after parking the car

"so who's chris?" leya asks after seeing a picture of faith and chris together on the girls instagram

"oh that's one of matt's triplet brothers" faith says pulling up a picture of the three of them

"ohhh!" she says looking at the picture of her and chris for a little bit longer

"you think he's cute, don't you?" faith says smirking at her

"what! he probably has a girlfriend, i mean look at him!" she says

faith shrugs as they walk towards lizzy who came out of sephora

"faith?" lizzy asks

"yeah?" she responds

"is that matt?" she asks lowkey pointing at the boy

"what the fuck"

the girls look at faith confused

"should I go up to him?" she asks the girls, still looking at matt

"I don't know, will nate be mad?" one of the girls asks

"fuck nate, this is matt we are talking about"

"oh?" the other girl says confused

"I'm over nate trying to control my life" she says

matt had the feeling of someone looking at him so he start looking around and soon makes direct eye contact with faith

"oh shit" she mumbles

"oh fuck" he mumbled

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now