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the door chimes as someone walked in

"hello! welcome to orlando bakery! what can I get you?" faith says welcoming the customer with her head down since she was restocking the straws

"um hi....sorry i don't really like ordering for myself..." the person says

"oh no! it's okay! take your time!" faith says reaching down to get more straws

"um...what do you recommend?" the strangers says not looking at the girl since they were too nervous

"oh! i personally love the carmel latte!"

"okay! i'll just have that then" the stranger says smiling

"okay! what size?" faith says typing the order in the machine

"uhhh....medium please" the stranger said nervously

"okay! name?" faith says smiling still not looking up


"CHRISTOPHER OWEN STURNIOLO" faith tells into the phone

"what faith!" chris says annoyed

"do you want to tell me why there's a certain SOMEONE at my bakery!?" faith yells into the phone

"what? who?" chris says confused

"YOUR BROTHER" faith still yells annoyed

"oh nick? i didn't know he was stopping by. why are you mad?"

"no you idiot! your other brother!"

"Justin's there!? oh man! tell him to come by! i miss him!" chris says happily


"huh....OH.....matt's there!?" chris says shocked

"YES YOU BUFFOON! what do I do?" faith says panicking

"I don't know! why is he there!"

"I don't know! ask him!"

"fine!" chris yells hanging up the phone

"what?" faith says and went to call him back before she hears a phone ring

"hey chris!" she hears from the other side of the bakery

"oh shit" faith says putting her hands over her face

"what? faiths bakery?" matt says confused before he looks up and locks eyes with the girl

"oh" matt says before hanging up and walking towards the girl

faith on the other hand walks into the back room and grabs her stuff

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now