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"thank you again faith" the boy says as he hands her his homemade coffee for her

"of course" she says and as mouths a 'thank you', "I didn't think he'd want to see me but I'm glad that he was okay with it"

nick turns around to look at the girl just to see a sad look in her eyes

he walks around the kitchen island to give the girl a hug

"it's going to be okay, he just needs a second after what just happened, he'll talk to you" he says softly

"I hope so" she says, "now that I know you guys live directly above me"

nick pulls away from her quickly, "we live above you!?" he says shocked

"yeah, literally. stomp on the floor and john or someone will hear you" she says jokingly

she looks up to see nick smirking at her as she starts shaking her head

nick starts jumping on floor as hard as he can as faith starts laughing

"nick! what are you doing?" matt walks out of his room annoyed

"faith just told me that they live directly below us so I'm stomping on the floor to annoy johnny" he says carefree

matt shakes his head as he looks over at faith for the first time in over a year as faith is watching nick jump on the floor while laughing

he notices how much more healthier and happier she looks

he sees how much prettier she got, seeing that her hair is a little shorter with curtain bangs, her hair is a lighter blonde but a type of blonde that he's never seen before, her face is clearer, and that just by looking into her eyes he can tell that she's the happiest that she's ever been but with a slight sadness in her as well

faith feels matt staring at her so she looks back at him, also for the first time in over a year, when nick wasn't looking

faith notices how much matt had glowed up, his face also got clearer, he didn't have bags under his eyes like he used to, his hair got longer, his hair is also in a middle part now, his eyes were a brighter blue which shows how much happier he is

"he looks happy" is what faith thought

she looked away from him before nick noticed

matt walks over towards faith as she grows nervous

he sits down next to her as he starts laughing at nick

nick asks matt to join him as matt gets up and starts jumping with him

after a few minutes they get cut off by a loud knock at the door

faith gets up to answer the door as the two are laughing

she opens the door and sees an annoyed johnny

"can you please st-" he gets cut off when he sees faith smiling at him

"wait, I thought you were helping chris?" he says confused

she opens the door wider as he looks inside to see the two boys still laughing

"they live above us?" he asks as she nods

"oh great" he rubs his forehead due to stress

"come in john!" nick tells the boy

"alright" he says as he shuts the door

he walks towards nick and matt as they both hug him and welcome him in

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now