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december thirty-first
seven hours before midnight

"faith" the girl hears before looking up

"johnny...?" she says back confused

"how are you doing?" he says while sitting next to her

"you're being weird, what do you want" she says laughing at the expression on his face

"fine you got me" he says, "what song did you pick for the release tonight?"

she laughs as she says, "you'll see"

johnny groans in annoyance and gets up

faith hears the doorbell ring after a few minutes of scrolling on her phone

she gets up and answers the door to see the boy she still has yet to talk to in almost two years

"hey....oh" he says once he sees faith

"would you like me to get johnny?" she asks while looking down

"oh um......actually im here for leya" he says softly

"oh okay, let me go get her" she says while avoiding eye contact as she walks towards leya's room

she opens the door to see leya dressed in a cute but casual outfit

"hey um....chris is here to see you" faith says awkwardly

"thank you! he always forgets to tell me when he's here" she says laughing

"wait a minute" faith says, "how long have you been seeing chris?"

leya looks at her awkwardly, "about seven months"

leya looks down as faith looks at her upset, "you've been seeing my best friend behind my back for almost seven months while I've been crying in my room by myself missing him every second of the day and you didn't even tell me?" she says while raising her voice a little

"faith im so-"

"no! you're not sorry leya! you've been telling me for over a year now that maybe chris and I will be friends again! do you even know how much that hurts me that you've known all along how he's been doing? that you have been there for him and you were never once there for me?" she cuts leya offf

"faith why are you yelling at leya?" faith hears

"alahna everything is fine" leya says to the girl

"no it's not, I heard what faith was saying" alahna says, "how about you be supportive of her, happy for her? why do you always have to make it about yourself!"

"what-" alahna cuts leya off

"no im sick of hearing faith complain about everything! oh matt this! oh chris that! maybe you should get over matt already! and we all already knew that chris doesn't want to be your friend anymore faith!! he's sick of you too!"

the three girls stand there in silence for a second

leya looks over at faith and sees that her eyes were watering

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now