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"okay why are you taking so long and where the fuck are you taking me!"

"calm down, it's okay" he says reassuring her before continuing, "do you trust me?"

she stops and smiles, not caring if he could see it or not, "of course I do"

he rubs her arm before he starts walking with her again, his hand still resting above her eyes covering them from the sight in front of her

when faith woke up this morning, she woke up to matt next to her saying he wants to take her somewhere

but of course, gave her no details on where, leaving it all to be a surprise

one thing everyone knew was that she hates surprises, they scare her, and he knew that

"okay, keep your eyes closed but I'm going to do something real quick" matt says smiling even though she can't see it

she stands there fiddling with her rings while awkwardly waiting in the light blue dress he picked out and white sneakers she picked out

"okay, open your eyes darling" she hears the familiar soft voice say

when she nervously opened her eyes, she saw a beautiful waterfall flowing into a river and a picnic area that matt was laying on, trying to look casual which made her laugh

"this is beautiful matt" faith says in awe

"not as beautiful as you" he says back

"yeahhhh.....that was cheesy matthew" she says causing him to laugh, "but thank you"

he softly pats the spot next to him which faith follows and sits there

after a few minutes of short conversations, matt looks over at faith and sees her examining the forest surrounding them

"I found this spot while the guys and I were trying to find a nice spot to film our vlog" he says, catching her attention

she looks over at him smiling, "what made you think of this spot when you brought me here?"

"I wanted to bring you here the second I found it" he chuckles, "I told nick and chris that we couldn't film here since I'd rather come here with you"

as he is speaking, faith can't explain the way that he's looking at her

I mean they have been in this situationship for almost five months now and he has yet to ask her to be his girlfriend, even after countless conversations about it

faith was starting to believe that there was something wrong but she knew it was just because he's scared of messing everything up again

she knows that he's scared of breaking her heart

he's scared of losing her again

but she still wishes that he would just make it official already

"faith....." she hears that soft voice once more

"yes matt?" she replies softly

he shifts nervously, "I brought you here for a reason"

she looks at him confused before he continues

"um....." he pauses before clearing his throat

"it's okay, take your time love" she whispers to him

he smilies gaining confidence as she has never called him anything other than his name

"faith, I know you've been confused these past five months, but you know that I like you. so much actually, that it scares me shitless everyday. scares me that someone can l-like someone this much. I know I haven't asked you yet and you've been waiting so damn patiently, like seriously, how are you still here?" he says causing them both to laugh

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now