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december twenty-fifth

"wake up dumbass" is the first thing that faith hears on christmas morning

"well merry christmas to you too, damn" she says in return while rubbing her eyes

"oh right, sorry. merry christmas dumbass! now wake up" she looks up at johnny annoyed but gets up anyways

as they walk out of faiths room, they meet lizzy and leya in the living room

johnny leans down to grab a present and give them to everyone when leya stops him

"wait!" she yells out to him

"jesus you scared the fuck out of me" johnny says while standing back up with his hand on his heart

"sorry" she says while laughing, "we need to take a picture first!"

"how?" lizzy asks

"the timer countdown thing i guess" leya says while shrugging her shoulders

they laugh at her response as she sets her phone up for the photo

everyone quickly sits down before the picture went off and posed for the picture

they all move to the couch after it's done as leya looks at the pictures

"okay, I'll send them to you guys!" she says as she puts her phone down

"okay who is going first?"

"faith you need to pick something soon! it's almost new year's" the girl hears through her phone

"I know okay! please just let me enjoy the holiday without having to worry about this. I'll show someone some songs later and hear their opinion on them okay?" faith says stressed

faith turns around as she hears her door open quietly

she looks at matt and whispers to him 'just a second, sorry' as he nods and sits on her bed

"faith please just pick something soon!" her manager says

"I know! stop repeating yourself! I hear you! I will, like I said just let me enjoy the holiday" she responds

"I just want to have something ready on time" she says while sighing

"I get that but we have five days, I'll figure something out" faith says

"just don't let your fans down faith" she says before hanging up

faith covers her face with her hands in stress

she feels a pair of arms wrap around her, hugging her. she doesn't hesitate to hug him back

"do you want to show me some songs and I can help you choose one?" she hears him say

"I'm sure you don't wanna hear them, go have fun. It's christmas!" she says while pulling away from him

"I'd rather pick a song with you" he says while holding her hands and rubbing her knuckles

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now