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"woah!" the brunette boys yells as he slams the bedrooms door shut

"stop being dramatic and get in here!" the girl yells from inside the room

he slowly opens the door to see the two young adults cuddled up together watching vampire diaries on max

"sorry, I'm still not used to it" the boy says

"chris we have been a thing for almost two months now, get used to it" the boy says from the bed

"well SORRY, matt that you guys are being cute and shit" chris says back

"okay now shut the fuck up, klaus is about to take away stefan's humanity" the small girl in matts arms yells

"okay I better go before faith kills me" chris says quickly as she grabs a pillow to throw at him

matt jumps at the sudden action of the girl throwing the pillow at the now closed door

"ah man, now I lost my pillow for nothing" faith quietly says

matt hears her and softly pulls her closer to him as she lays her head on his chest

instead of focusing on the tv show she was just yelling at the boys to shut up for, she was lost in her thoughts


he said thing

not dating

not girlfriend


will he ever ask me to be his girlfriend?

does he even want to date me?

what am i doing wrong to not be 'datable'?

is it me? or is it him?

you know what

fuck this stupid ass overthinking

it's definitely him, you've done nothing wro-

"faith?" she hears a soft voice suddenly

"yeah?" she responds

"are you okay? you were just talking about how long you've been waiting for me to get to this part and you're zoned out" he says concerned

"huh? oh, nah it's nothing" she tries to laugh off

he softly sits up for a second to grab the remote and pauses it

"what's wrong?" he asks as he looks down at her

"matt it's nothing, can we watch it now?"

"faith...." he pauses, "this relationship isn't gonna work if we don't talk"

she hesitates which causes him to furrow his eyebrows in confusion

"that's the thing" she hesitates once more


"we aren't in a relationship, you said it earlier, we are just 'a thing', you've never asked me to be your girlfriend and it bothers me" she pauses, "it makes me feel like you don't actually want to be with me" she sighs and looks away

this caused matt to softly grab her jaw to have her look at him

she could see the sorrow in his face, especially his eyes. she noticed awhile back that the blue in his eyes changes to a darker shade of blue when he's in regret or sorry

"faith....I am so sorry" he says, "I never meant for you to feel like this. of course I want to be with you"

he gets up which causes it to be her turn to be confused

"for the past few months of us finally admitting our feelings to each other I have been planning so many ways to ask you to be mine. johnny, nick, and chris are honestly tired of me at this point" he pauses while still pacing back and forth

"I just wanted it to be perfect, I never thought that the time would develop these thoughts about it" he says in disappointment

"matt...." he stops her

"I just wanted it to be perfect....." he whispers

"I don't wanna mess it up again"

"matt...." she gets up and grabs the boys hands to stop him from pacing

"it doesn't have to be perfect. I just wanna be with you matt. I wouldn't want to try again if I didn't believe you were gonna try and not mess up again" he looks up to her

"I just wanna be with you matt....." she says while giving him a soft smile

he softly pulls her into a kiss

it wasn't like the others they've had

this one.....felt like love

faithschnapp made a new post!


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Liked by matthew.sturniolo and 22,194,294 others
faithschnapp should we tell 'em? it might be too much for them, they might get jealous....

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noahschnapp ew.
      faithschnapp GAH! sorry your ugly face scared me
      noahschnapp ha. ha.
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nicolassturniolo I am jealous.
      faithschnapp i mean....that is how the lyrics go....
      username LYRICS!?!?
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johnnyorlando Sorry guys, I was just THROWING UP IN DISGUST
      faithschnapp oh shut it you dramatic whore
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matthew.sturniolo You can be my dirty little secret.....
      username1 WHAT.
      faithschnapp not you using my lyrics
      username2 most disappointing thing I've seen today
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nathandoe8 Hmmm I wonder who this is
      username4 HUH!?
      faithschnapp not you, that's for damn sure nathan.
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username5 who in the actual FUCK is it!?
      faithschnapp and you can be my everything I'm needing....
      username6 faith we appreciate the lyrics but this is IMPORTANT.
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christophersturniolo I had to wash my eyes out today because of you.
      faithschnapp one. knock. two. cuddling is nothing. three. you ruined one of my favorite but least favorite part of tvd.
      faithschnapp YES.
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matthew.sturniolo I feel bad for him
      faithschnapp nah he's fine, if anything, feel bad for me....
      matthew.sturniolo Nah, have you seen yourself????
      faithschnapp go look in the mirror bae <3
      username8 BAE!?
      username9 she calls everyone bae !
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