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"run after him or we are over"

"okay" faith says


"hey guys! how's matt?" chris says walking in

"he left" nate responds

"where's faith?" nick asks

"in the bathroom" he says blankly

"what's she doing?" chris asks curiously

"she's mad at me"

"why?" nick asks

"I told her if she runs after matt then we're done" nate says like it's nothing

"what the fuck nate, that's our brother!" nick says starting to get mad

"well she cares too much about him"

"who the fuck cares? he was fucking starving himself, who knows what he'll do now!" nick yells

"I'm sorry" he says blankly

"no you're not" chris says walking away

"faith?" nick whispers after he knocks on the door

"hello?" he asks

"faith? are you there?" he asks once more

nick finally opens the door and sees faith crying on the floor

"leave me alone please" faith barley gets out

"no, I stupidly did that to matt and I'm not making that mistake again with you" nick says while closing the door and sitting down next to her

all they do is hug each other for the rest of the night

faith wakes up in their bed with nick laying with her

she slowly gets up and walks over to the bathroom

she looks at herself in the mirror and just thinks to herself

you look so fat and ugly

this is why matt hates you

nate doesn't love you anymore

nick, johnny, and chris are only friends with you because they feel bad for you

you don't deserve any of this

she then hears a knock at the door

"faith?" she hears

"go away nathan" she responds

"faith don't be like this"

"I don't want to speak to you" she says

"you know that we are still together right?" he responds

"yeah, and I can change that in less than a second if you wanna test me"

"you wouldn't want to do that faith"

"how would you know? are you gonna start controlling my life too?" she says

she hears footsteps walk away

how did this even happen?

she hears a knock at the door again a few moments later

"nathan if you don't leave me alone I swear"

"it's me"

she immediately opens the door

"I missed you so much" she immediately pulls him into a hug

"you saw me yesterday faith"

"I can't miss you?"

"of course, I missed you more though"

"not possible"

faithschnapp made a new post!


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faithschnapp love me then, pretend you didn't


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