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december first

"johnny!" the girl yells as the ornament drops onto the ground

she turns around to face the boy who is looking at her shocked

"before you say anything, just know I didn't do it on purpose" he says carefully while hold his hands out incase she runs at him

faith sighs as she looks down at the now broken ornament

"If you would've just been here on time and didn't scare me this wouldn't have been broken john" she says kneeling down to the ornament to pick up the mess

"no stop I'll pick it up, it's my fault, I shouldn't have scared you" johnny says as he helps her up and goes back down to clean the mess

"also I'm sorry for being late, I know we wanted to set up the christmas tree together but I got stuck at the recording studio and got back as soon as I could" he looks up at her guilty

"It's fine, i just wish you texted me" she says as she gets another ornament

"I'm sorry" he says while taking her hands into his

"it's okay john, I understand" she says giving him a sad smile

"okay beautiful let's finish this tree now shall we?" he says giving her a smile

"okay" she says giving him a smile

"woah!" the two hear as the door shuts

"hey!" faith says as she sees who walked in

"hi! the place looks so good! how are my two favs?" leya asks the two

"we are good, took us forever to get the decorations up since someone wasn't being very serious" faith says looking at johnny

"what!" johnny looks at her shocked

"it's true!" she says laughing

"well anyways you guys did amazing, it feels like christmas already" liz says to the pair

"I know right" leya says agreeing with the girl next to her

"thank you guys" faith says

"oh when is the party going to be?" leya asks

"oh it's the twenty-third, right?" faith asks the boy next to her

"yeah" he says as he checks his calendar on his phone

"alright, you guys can invite whoever you want just a few per person, alright? we do not need many people here" faith says laughing as they all agree

"alright! goodnight guys" liz says to the group

they all say goodnight and go their separate ways to their rooms

faithschnapp made a post!


Liked by christophersturniolo and 4,194,027 othersfaithschnapp yes this is an old picture from ny but john and I got the apartment decorated!Tagged:/ johnnyorlandoview comments

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Liked by christophersturniolo and 4,194,027 others
faithschnapp yes this is an old picture from ny but john and I got the apartment decorated!
Tagged:/ johnnyorlando
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johnnyorlando I miss ny and snow, why did we move here again?
      faithschnapp music. johnny. music.
      johnnyorlando oh right, music :)
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leya.parker they really did amazing with the decorations!!
      faithschnapp why thank you, it was really hard working with johnny. DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!!
      johnnyorlando OUCH!?
      username if they don't date-
      username2 still rooting for #maith
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username faith on a scale from one to ten, how much did you hate decorating with john?
      faithschnapp out of range
      johnnyorlando stop this hatred towards me
      author oop
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noahschnapp I have a surprise for you
      faithschnapp oh no
      noahschnapp guess who you're celebrating christmas with!!
      faithschnapp I hope not johnny
      johnnyorlando STOP THIS
      noahschnapp ME!!!!
      faithschnapp CALL ME RN.
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madifilipowicz i better get to see the decorated apartment in-person
      faithschnapp check your texts ;)
      username3 share with the crowd!!
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lizzy_minnette I'm literally in love with the apartment decor
      faithschnapp and I'm in love with you
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nicolassturniolo <3
      faithschnapp <3
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chloeschnapp dang now I wanna fly out to see you for christmas
      faithschnapp what's stopping you?
      chloeschnapp buying a ticket rn
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hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now