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"oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"

"no it's okay! I should've looked where I was going!" faith said

"no it's my fault too, I'm sorry!" the stranger said as they walked away

"well guess I need to go get johnny a new coffee" faith said to herself

as she was walking back to the coffee shop, she saw a familiar brunette boy walking away

"chris!" she yells out to the boy

she runs up to him and taps him on the shoulder

"oh I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else" she says when he turns around and it wasn't chris

"it's okay" he says and faith walks away

I could've sworn that, that was chris....

who am I thinking, they still live in new york

"johnny! I have your coffee!" she says as he walks over to her

"why thank you madam" he says as he takes the coffee out of her hand

"hey! you didn't get me any!" leya says while sitting on the couch

"you were asleep" faith says laughing at the girl

"valid" she says

"did your walk help?" johnny asks her as he takes a sip of his hot coffee

"it did but then it got all confusing" she says as johnny winces after taking a sip as the coffee was still very hot

"do you wanna talk about it?" he asks as he walks to the freezer and pops an ice cube in his mouth

"not really, but thank you" she says "how's your tongue you goof"

"it's better, you should've warned me that it was still hot" he laughs as he tried to speak with the ice cube still in his mouth

faith laughs, "you'll live"

"alright sing the last verse and I think we finished the pre-chorus"

"If you're hearing this, I hope that you're proud. can't even count how many times I let you down. If there's a god or there's a sign, it's time that you send it out"

faith sings into the microphone

"perfect! I think it's officially done!" her producer says to the girl in the singing booth

"wow! that's crazy! thank you so much!" she says as she walks out of the booth and shakes his hand

"of course! I can take a snippet of the song and send it to you now so you can tease if you'd like" he says smiling at the girl

"yes! I would love that!" she says

"alright what part of the song would you want?" he asks as they start working on the snippet

faith is walking out of the studio as she sees cameras waiting for her

"hey faith! what were you working on?" a reporter asks

"faith! faith! is it true that you're working on your next album?" another reporter asks

"faith are you ever going on tour?" another asks

"faith have you talked to matt recently?"

faith quickly gets into her car and drive away

gosh damn, will they ever leave me alone?

faithschnapp made a new post!


Liked by alahna111 and 1,242,524 othersfaithschnapp can't even count how many times I let you down

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Liked by alahna111 and 1,242,524 others
faithschnapp can't even count how many times I let you down....
Tagged:/ christophersturniolo

alahna111 I miss you faith
faithschnapp I miss you more alahna
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madifilipowicz the album is so beautiful so far, you're doing amazing!
faithschnapp thank you mad-dawg
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johnnyorlando can I literally be the boy version of you
faithschnapp who said you weren't?
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noahschnapp I'm just waiting until you send me the finished product of the album
faithschnapp damn I can't even release a song first can I?
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lizzy_minnette he'd love this song and he'd be so proud of you
christophersturniolo liked this comment
faithschnapp ily liz <3
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nathandoe8 I'm waiting patiently for my song teaser
faithschnapp it's coming soon nate, you goof
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chloeschnapp you gotta send the finished product of this song plz
faithschnapp at least you asked for a song and not a whole damn album
noahschnapp HEY! IM STILL HERE DAMN, at least say it to my face....
faithschnapp ask for a song next time noah, not an album !
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leya.parker I'm so proud of you faith! <3
faithschnapp ily leya
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