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"so what do you want to do? we gotta cheer you up" he says looking at her

"I'm not that pathetic am I?" faith says looking back at him

"ehhhh" he says while shaking his hand side to side

"hey! that's mean!" she says shoving him lightly

"I'm just telling you the truth!" he says while putting his hands up in defense

"oh shut it" faith says while rolling her eyes

they pause and look at each other and start laughing at the other

"so I was thinking of releasing a song" she says quietly

"what? really? that's crazy faith! you should give me a sneak peak" he says while wiggling his eyebrows

"maybe johnny maybe" faith laughs at him as he pouts at her

"you're so mean" johnny says to her "how are you gonna release it?"

"well my friend elmer said he'd help me" she says while remembering the conversation they had


"hey elmer! how are you doing?" faith says after she heard the boy pick up the phone

"hey faith! I'm good, how are you doing?" elmer asks

"I'm good! so I have a question for you" faith says

"shoot" elmer says

"will you help me write a song?" she asks

"what! of course!" elmer says smiling through the facetime "what do you want the song to be about?"



"yeah so it's almost done" faith says smiling

"I'm so excited to hear it" johnny says smiling back at her

nate walks in their room and sees faith and johnny talking

"what the fuck?" nate says at the doorway

"what nathan" faith says while rolling her eyes

"why are you hanging out with him?" he asks

"bro why does it matter?" johnny asks nate

"don't bro me" he says with an attitude

"okay?" johnny says confused

"nathan we are just friends. johnny literally has a girlfriend" faith says calmly

"people can still cheat when they're in a relationship" he says

"nate i love mia, I wouldn't do that to her and I don't see faith that way"

"whatever" nate says while walking away and out of the apartment

"drama queen" faith sings and they both laugh

faithschnapp made a new post!


Liked by johnnyorlando and 10,829 othersfaithschnapp I was sad so johnny gave me a stuffed dog :)Tagged:/ johnnyorlandoview comments

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Liked by johnnyorlando and 10,829 others
faithschnapp I was sad so johnny gave me a stuffed dog :)
Tagged:/ johnnyorlando
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johnnyorlando even though you're scared of stuffed animals
       faithschnapp it's the thought that counts
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christophersturniolo I love johnny more than you
         faithschnapp I love nick more than you
Liked by nicolassturniolo
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nicolassturniolo I love you more than johnny
       faithschnapp as you should ;)
       johnnyorlando ouch
      faithschnapp johnny look at chris's comment
     johnnyorlando ohhhhhh, i love you chris more than faith
    faithschnapp damn johnny, does any of you love me?
Liked by matthew.sturniolo
   username oh?
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leya.parker what are you doing tomorrow?
      faithschnapp nothing!! text me and we can plan something! @lizzy_minnette you should definitely join!
      lizzy_minnette most definitely!!
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nathandoe8 seriously
      faithschnapp boohoo
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matthew.sturniolo Okay
      faithschnapp I saw you like that comment earlier matthew
     matthew.sturniolo Shhhh
     faithschnapp it's our little secret
     matthew.sturniolo Good ;)
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