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january first
thirty minutes after midnight

faith and matt walk back to the apartment and everyone instantly congratulates faith on the new song when they walk in

everyone starts hugging the girl and she sees johnny running up to her

"faith! I have someone that you need to meet!" johnny says while giving her a quick hug

"okay?" faith says confused but follows him anyways

they push through the large dancing crowd of people

she looks up as johnny stops in-front of a tall brunette boy

she recognizes him but couldn't figure out who he was

she hears them talking but couldn't focus on the conversation

"faith?" she hears the boy next to her say

"yeah? sorry, I was distracted" she says as she looks to the boy in-front of her

"faith, you know josh right?" johnny asks the girl next to him

"oh! joshua bassett right?" she says as the name finally clicked in her mind

"yeah! it's so nice to meet you!" josh says while giving the girl a hug, in which she returns

"it's nice to meet you as well! I love your music, I could never" she says while laughing

they fall into a conversation and johnny slowly walks away

johnny feels a hand grab him and looks over to see matt

"who is that" he says

"joshua bassett? why?" johnny asks confused

"why is she talking to him" he states

"because she can? why do you care?" johnny responded

"I don't care" the boy says while looking over at them

"you sure?" johnny says as he sees matt's jaw clench when he sees her laughing at something joshua had said

"yes" he says but johnny just sighs in return and walks away

"no that's really what happened!" joshua says which makes faith laugh even harder

"there's no fucking way!" she says

"I'm telling no lies" he says as he looks over at the girl who is still laughing

faith looks over for a second and sees matt starting right at the pair

he is leant against a wall with his foot also on the wall with his arms crossed

his jaw is also clenched and staring daggers at the boy next to her

"hey, are you free anytime soon?" she hears him ask

"oh! um, im not sure. I would have to check my schedule" she responds

hatred love ~ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now