Chapter 21

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I awake the next morning surrounded by warmth. Shifting and opening my eyes I see I'm not in my room. I blink as I sit up, struggling to remember what happened last night. I look up when I hear a door open. It's Callum!

He's walking out of what looks to be a bathroom, pulling a shirt down over his torso.

"You're awake." He says, rushing to my side. He places his hands on my face, checking my temperature in every way thinkable.

"What's happening Callum?" I ask him.

"You don't remember?" He sounds shocked. I simply shake my head as an answer. "You were wondering through the halls. You were freezing to the touch, felt like a walking corpse." I explain as he hands me a bottle of water.

"We didn't," I let the words drift off at the end, not wanting to sag the words. This man had stolen my first kiss. I wouldn't let him steal my virginity too.

"What?" He looks confused for a second before registering the blush on my face. "No! Goddess no." Callum shuffles away from me, a blush of his own taking over his cheeks. "I believe in consent, and you were in no state for that." He tells me honestly.

"Then what happened and why am I in your clothes?" I ask.

"Your shirt was soaked through. I gave you one of mine to get you into something dry. Before you worry, no I didn't change you. You were so cold, and I couldn't just leave you in that state so I did everything I could think of to keep you warm through the night." Callum continues the explanation.

"Thank you." I tell him as I reach to hold his hand.

"It's my job really." Callum speaks in a teasing tone now. "Protecting my alpha's guests in whatever way I can." I laugh at his stupid joke.

"And how will you ever explain this to your mate one day?" I jest back.

"If I have it my way she'll never know."

"Are you that ashamed of me?" I say is a silly voice.

"Not ashamed, just concerned how it would come off." Callum falls back onto his bed. I move to lay beside him, taking one of the many warm blankets with me. I curl on my side to look at him as he lays on his back.

"What do you hope she'll be like?" I ask seriously.

"It doesn't really matter to me." He says with a shrug. "We're always mated with someone will mesh with well. Compliments of the other person. I've never given much thought to what she'd be like if I ever find her." He sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair. The last part is said quietly, like an afterthought he didn't mean to express. I open my mouth to say something when his bedroom door bursts open. Damon and Fafnir stand in the doorway.

"Elder Gods Callum." Damon sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. Fafnir lets out an inhuman growl, storming over to the bed. He grabs Callum by the front of his shirt, carrying him off the bed and slamming him against the far wall.

"Fafnir!" I screech as I get off the bed onto slightly shaky legs.

"Filthy wolf." Fafnir growls. "What did you do to her?" He nearly shouts.

"Nothing!" Callum defends as he tries to free himself from Fafnir's death grip. I let out a sound that is a choked screech as Fafnir lifts Callum off the floor by his throat. My hands cover my mouth, momentarily shellshocked.

Callum kicks out his foot, hitting Fafnir across the face. Fafnir drops him giving Callum the chance to dodge past Fafnir and run. Fafnir is quick to follow him, however. Damon blocks the door, stopping Callum from leaving.

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