Chapter 26

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The battle is an absolute blood bath. Willow and I stick close to Damon, protecting him in his weakened state. If we didn't get to the others, he'd be unable to walk.

"Where's your spunk?" Willow asks as she slices her sword through the throat of a wolf, splattering blood everywhere.

"I lost them." I tell her, grabbing a wolf with my bare hands and snap its neck.

"How did you lose axes that teleport to you?" Willow teases me, wicked smile on her face. She'd missed this, us. I have to admit, I did too. Though, snarling wolves are a lot different from aliens with laser blasters and magic. We've killed gods before; this is nothing compared to that.

"They won't come back when I summon them." I shout over the snapping of a wolf behind me.

"Seriously?" Willow laughs at me. "I can't believe you lost teleporting axes." I roll my eyes at her, sending her a glare over my shoulder as an arrow flies by my head, hitting the wolf before me dead in the eye.

"Your devil offspring almost shot me." I cry dramatically.

"Oh please." She rolls her eyes as Simon rolls up beside her, bow in hand. She pats his head of tangled hair. "Shall I remind you of the scars I have from your children." I don't remember having any children. As I try to recall a time where I did all I can encounter is a fog that gives me a headache. In my moment of distraction, a wolf jumps on my pinning me to the ground. "Fafnir!" Willow shouts.

The wolf snaps at me, catching my forearm in his mouth. I manage to shift my skin into durable scales just in time to protect my flesh from the bite. The wolf's teeth shatter upon hitting my scales with such force. I extend my claws, slicing through the wolf's throat easily.

"I hate wolves." I grumble as I push the dead weight off of me. I look over to Damon, seeing him fighting against a man who looks strikingly similar to Lest. He is barely holding his ground. His body freezes up, the veins in his hands starting to pop against his skin and turning black. He collapses to the ground like a puppet that just had its strings cut. "Willow!" I shout, panic suddenly flooding me for some unknown reason.

The Lest lookalike raises what looks to be a gun to Damon's head. I run as fast as my legs will carry me. I get to them just in time to grab the gun from the man's hands, or at least point it away from Damon and towards the ground. I keep his hands in my grip, refusing to let go.

"A dragon?" The man asks with curious eyes. A disgusting smile covers his face as he looks at me. "I've never killed a dragon before."

"And you never will." I spit as an arrow pierces his temple, splitting out the other side of his skull. I look over to see Willow standing with Simon's bow in hand. She gives me a two-finger salute before continuing to fight off the wolves, who's numbers have thinned greatly.

I turn to look at Damon, who is gasping for air on the ground. I crouch beside him, pulling him onto his feet. Wrapping my arm around his waist for support as I pull his around my neck, I walk with him to what looks to be a sheltered area.

"Come on Damon, stay with us just a bit longer." I tell him, annoyed. Not with him, just the situation the idiot had gotten himself into. "You've lasted this long. You're almost there."

"Gabie!" A shrill scream fills the area making me stop dead, every muscle in my body tensing. That was Jayna's voice, and it came from the patch of trees we're heading too. Suddenly, Damon's drastic shift in condition is explainable. I push us both faster now to get to the patch of trees. We are almost at the edge of the fighting when a man I recognize steps in our way.

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