Chapter four

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A few days later takemichi was getting closer and closer to the four.Each day he was thinking of a plan of how to save haruchiyo and to prevent senju for accidently detroying mikey's airplane toy.

Takemichi doesn't know what to do.He was sitting to his chair notebooks and pencil are infront of him while his father was at work.

Now he's thinking paren how or what he's going to do the thought doesn't help him. Why, when takemichi thinks his head smokes and stops working.

He thinks about what senju said, if senju broke the toy how if he stops that and watches over senju? but what if he forgot to look at senju? wait wait wait mikey hasn't introduced his older brother yet or mikey hasn't invited him yet?

What if he just volunteered to go to mikey's house? No no no it won't work if he takes the initiative mikey will suspect him becauae here in thia timeline he does not yet know where mikey lives because mikey haven't tell him?





He don't know what to do right now.Do he stare at the ceiling and think more until his heads starts to smoke shit.An idea suddenly pop on his mind,plan yeah plan he needs plan

Takemichi gets his pencil and started to write his plans.

Plan A prevent senju from destroying mikey's toy

And the plan b he thinks was the worst

Plan B sacrifice himself and replace himself to get the scar instead

Takemichi lean his back on the chair and stare at the ceiling but before that he closed hia notebook and place the pencil on the right of the notebook.It was still morning his father cook him some peyoung and after that he kissed takemichi and bid his goodbye.

Now how should he prevent this all from happening.He remembered that naoto was always there to make him a plan or naoto was there to to tell him what to do or judge takemichi's plan.Naoto was always there to consult or to comfort him that's what he loves from naoto(as a friend i know what your thinking but not in that way)

While takemichi have all his train of thoughts someone suddenly knock he supposed that's his father cause he is always like that,always forgetting something then go home again to get it.

So he stands up and go to the door but he was shock who it was.It was Haruchiyo Mikey and Baji,Mikey was the first one to greet him with a toothy smile writen on his face.But when they saw takemichi in a messy hair they all went blush hard and didn't even know why.It was all silence for takemichi but for mikey and haruchiyo baji's view it was a gorgeous they seeing,all are in a slow motion as takemichi just look at them.So they shrugged it off so that takemichi wouldn't think them as crazy mikey smiled again and said

"Takemichy!! Let's play!!"

Mikey grab takemichi's hands that it made takemichi flinch.Takemichi blink twice and realize it was them

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