Chapter 15

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My second chance

Chapter fifteen

Takemichi hanagaki_____

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Takemichi hanagaki

Takemichi's pov

The nurse said that it will take time for kaku chan to heal from his trauma from that accident,and it was also a shock that i manage to talk to kaku chan because since his parents got killed he never speak for 1 week.

And the doctor said that kaku chan is alright to be discharge,And the orphanage will get him as soon as he is okay,I want to be with kaku chan much more longer but father have his job on tokyo so we need to go back there.

I push the door on the hospital room we're kaku chan is staying he is looking at the window with years in his eye's,I felt bad why did i forgot this important information.

I felt guilty

Because i didn't manage to stop this from happening i felt useless,if only i realized this sooner maybe kakuchan's parents is still alive

Im so stupid to not remember that if only...! Maybe i manage to save them and prevent their death but i wonder why did their cause of death change?it was supposed to be a car accident and now his parents got killed by some thugs?

I walked over kaku chan' s bed and sit there,kaku chan looks at me with tears in his eye's he is hurting but what should i do? What should i say to help him from this tragical trauma?

"Takemichi it hurts"i push kaku chan at my trip and huh him tight,The room fell into silence i just let him cry at my shoulder.He fell asleep sooner i tucked him in inside the bed and let him sleep,i go outside and saw my father sitting there

"Is kakuchou kun asleep?" He asked me with concern "Yeah he fell asleep as soon as i comforted him" i replied my fathe chuckled and i sit beside him he hug me and said

"The orphanage will get him tomorrow.."My father suddenly said i look up to his face that was full of pity and concern "i wish i can stay by kakuchou kun's side but i have work to do"he continued i look at the ground and said "if he is off in the orphanage can we visit him? Papa please"I said and he just chuckle as a reply "Of course you can"he ruffled my hair into messy one

A few hours have passed and kaku chan finally got awake from his deep sleep,me and my father go inside the room,We open the door and he look at us as soon as he notice we smiled at him and sat beside the bed

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