Chapter 24

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My second chance
chapter 24

No one's pov

Takemichi finally woke up because of the sunlight blinding his unopened eyes,

he roam his eye's everywhere just to see a bright room with a snoring cat beside him,he gently put the cat on its bed and after that he goes to the bathroom to start brushing his teeth,

'I should buy him some foods...he can't eat my leftovers anymore maybe it will be too bad for him I should buy cat foods'

Takemichi spit out the toothpaste on his mouth and his mouth was full of its bubbles so he gets some towel and starts rubbing the bubbles away using it,after that he exits the bathroom and saw the cat still sleeping peacefully he saw his room that it was quite in a mess so he immediately get some broom and starts to clean trying his best not making any sound so that he wouldn't wake the cat up.

He saw his peaceful work was paid off the room was sparkling because of how clean it is he sigh as a relief and saw his father already awake drinking some coffee while reading the latest news.He tried to surprise his father but it failed his father already heard his footsteps

"you think you can shock me aren't you take chin?" His father said as he take a sip of his coffee turning his back and saw takemichi's messy hair.

"You got a time to clean your room but not your own hair how silly you are take chin"His father said with a playful smirk,Takemichi just chuckled and fix his hair but his father pulled him close and fix takemichi's hair instead

"didn't I told you not to bring any pets?you know I hate those"Takemichi turn to look at him with a pleading eyes hoping that it would work this time,I mean it always works how can someone wouldn't accept this cute behavior and look?


oh he forgot his father can

"But papa di ka naman allergic sa balahibo o sa pusa can we keep the cat nalang?"

(but daddy you're not allergic to cat fur or cats can we just keep it?"

"Anak,It's hard to take care an animal you know that you once take care of an animal before and it just died remember?"Takemichi's father said and cupped his cheeks

"Papa I'll take very extra care of it this time..please? the cat was too pitiful when I saw him getting wet while I was walking on my way here and I can't afford that!! pleaseeeee"

he used his usual technique again but this time it works akito just face palmed and said

"take care of it this time ok! I hate seeing you cry."

Takemichi nodded happily

"uhm papa can you take me to the grocery store?"Takemichi said

"at bakit po?"

(and why?"

"I'm going to buy my cat it's needs,don't worry papa I have money so.."Takemichi said and take his money out his father considered it

"but in one condition" oh shit a condition sometimes his father's condition was too difficult for a child can handle cause sometimes it was an easy one like doing chores or washing the cars or even doing anything like extra grocery but sometimes it's too complicated for a child like he would get a math equation and if Takemichi didn't answer it correctly his father would refuse

'fuck.' Takemichi though dying inside over thinking what the condition is

"don't worry baby it's not a math equation,just help me clean the car later"Takemichi sigh as a relief it was good to hear that it wasn't math or anything connected with math

At the grocery store

Takemichi was searching up some food for his cat while his father was on his side letting him be,Suddenly his father phone rang so he excuse himself to go outside the store and answer the call

While searching up some food someone touch his back,it's hands were cold as ice


The person called,it was a familiar voice.But he's not sure of who it was or is this the person he thought it is?,he turn his back to the person and saw a man

It has a lanky build and a small face with purple downturned eyes, blond eyebrows, and a thin mouth. His shoulder-length hair is alternately dyed in the colors of black and blond, with his roots and their end sections black and the midsection blond.

he often styles his hair in two neatly-woven pigtail braids in battle but would wear his hair down on occasion.

the man beside him was shorter than him the man had a shorter blond hair in a bun with a glasses who was hiding in his brothers back

"Ran kun,...Rin chan?"


-by Ewan ko bwiset

-by Ewan ko bwiset

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Hello guys sorry for the late update and also a short one I just lost motivation for a bit and also a idea!! That's all sorry again!!

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