Chapter 21

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Chapter twenty one

𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾

𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾

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No one's pov

Takemichi and baji along with kazutora talk alot on their way home,talking about their journey's and what they wish for,

"Michi can i ask?" Kazutora said and takemichi looks at him, while baji was listening to them while walking

"Sure, what is it?" takemichi ask without any hesitation

"Me and Baji wanted to build a petshop for stray cats, you whats your dream?" Kazutora ask and takemichi just chuckled and turn his head to look at the night sky

"Well..i dont wish for anuthing much but..all i wish for is a peaceful life without any problems or anything and of course a decent job" Takemichi smiled while talking then turn his head again to look at kazutora and added "Thats all i want" kazutora's eyes lighten up when he hears takemichi's dream and because of that he wanted to be part of it and imagine living with someone who gave you comfort for the first time is like a heaven for him

"Then.. Takemichy can we be part of it?" Baji ask suddenly, it made kazutoras attention caught on baji who was speaking without thinkingof what his question was meant

"Eh?.. Hmm, well i guess you can since you guys are my bestfriends"



Baji thought to himself and kazutora fell silent and kazutora don't understand why is he feeling this when takemichi was telling them that they are just his friends.. He felt like his heart suddenly throb its irritating he press his lips together he was annoyer but why is he feeling this way

Why is he annoyed at takemichi?


Takemichi is a kind person and give him everything in his birthday


He even made his birthday full of happiness so why

"kazutora!" Kazutora got snap out of his thoughts,

"hey dude we've been calling you many tim-" Baji got cut off by his sentence when he saw kazutora, of how look he gave to baji kazutora narrow his eyes.

"Wanna fight?"

Baji suddenly felt shivers down to his spine when he felt a dangerous heavy aura on his back, somethings scrouches on his back it made him flinch and saw a calmly smiling takemichi with an 'urk' mark on his face.

He chose to just ignore kazutora's remarks at him because he don't want takemichi's strong hits on his head that he even think of is this the reason why did i became so much idiot?

Nah maybe this is takemichi's love lunggage maybe thats it.While they were walking it was a complete silence on their way and it was kind of off for takemichi to felt this kind of heavy atmosphere and it's completely annoying but he kept on smiling so that the heavy atmosphere will be or quite lighten up a bit.

Seconds turn into minutes then hours of walking around the area.

Until takemichi can't take this shit anymore.He let out a loud sigh and both baji and kazutora looks at him in unison

"Now i wanna broke this toxic atmosphere, shoo shoo fuckers" Takemichi said then make a 'shoo shoo' hands in the air

"So.. Whats the problem kazutora y'know we can help you, thats the least we can do because the time is running but its still your birthday anyway"

"Its nothing michi, just remember something annoying and sorry baji.. For staring at you that way" Kazutora said then bowed at baji and takemichi, he notice that they were close to his house so he smiled at takemichi and baji and said

"Gotta go home bye...!" Kazutora was about to walk off when suddenly someone grab him by the wrist, it was takemichi yes its him takemichi again who was stopping him

"is it okay if we take you home?  You know we won't mind and-"

"No its fine my house is there so no need to go with me but thanj you for the offer..!" kazutora said and he snatch his hands away gently so it wont be rude for the two boys.But he take takemichi's hands, he kiss takemichi's hands he can feel takemichi's fingertips on his lips but he didn't mind it cause this is the only way he can show takemichi that he takemichi gained his respect and his love.. But it seems that the boy is too naive to notice so he will just kiss his hands and smiled at him and bid his goodbye

Furtheremore takemichi was shocked when kazutora did that but he don't mind it, he can feel baji's cold stare when kazutora kiss the back of his hands oh that boy is too young for him..

"Michi.. Your such an idiot!" Baji said not caring about his words that 'might' hurt the fragile boy "You shouldn't let anyone hold or kiss you like that!" Baji continued as he shouted at takemichi

At this time takemichi wasn't naive anymore he knows that baji was angry of him but why? Its just a peck of kiss on hands so why get so angry right

"calm your ass baji what the hell is your problem i didn't do something wrong!"

"yes you did!"

"Eh---the-then what is it!?!?"

"You let that fucking bastard kiss you!"

"yes i did si why are you fricking angry?!?"

"Cause--.. Im so FUCKING JEALOUS OKAY!?!"




Why the fuck-

Dude seriously

Are you serious?

Takemichi put his palm on his hands with a shocking face.Baji turned immediately red and then ran away from takemichi

"the fuck?"

Takemichi said to himself he was about to chase baji but someone grab him by his wrist, he look at the kid

His head is shaven on the sides and back to expose his signature dragon tattoo on his left temple. His blonde hair is quite on the top of his head and kept in a neat braid. He leaves a few strands of hair lose in the front.

"u-uhm kid i think you drop your wallet,?"

'dragon tattoo?.noo... No... Its too early..... Fuck DRAKEN KUN!?!'




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