Chapter 10

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Takemichi's pov

"Do you need help?"I said,Offering my hands on them.They look kinda familiar to me i think i've seen them in the future but i can't remember who are they.Maybe if i help them i would get they're name?If they look familiar then that means i met them in the future and they are connected with all of this things?My mind is getting over reached again sometimes i just hate my guts,

The one boy with blind hair braided look at me with wide eye's his last eye's turn into shock when.Is he too stunned to speak?Does my fashion sense brother him? Ahh What chifuyu and mikey kun and draken kun said was right my fashion sense is lame.

But i think its not im just taking back 90's styles cause in my eye's they look nostalgic and cool.My fashion sense is not lame at all.Yeah i made who my mind i will not change it!

"hello?"I said once again,The boy was still looking at me.He is red is he sick? God another problem if its problem to me why am i helping them?Because that what hero do:D.I miss being kid but i am kid now so i don't miss it now cause i take back on the past

"Uh-no..i-we don't need it"he said looking away at my face.Am i that ugly??For him to look away like that he looks disgusted by just looking at my face that it makes him look away and turned red in anger.But i still need to help him since he looks like he doesn 't know what to do

"Don't be shy,Your friend or brother is losing blood from all those wounds that it cause from your fight so you need help and it looks like you don't know what to do so let me help yeah?"I said bending down reaching his level.I put his brother/friend on my back.The boy was hesitating to trust me but he still do we started to walk with his friend or brother on my back

"Uhm-You..can go treat my brother at my house"the boy said i smiled showing my teeth and my eyes we're closed and nodded why does he look shy and it was making him quite red.Should i ask him?Nah that would make the atmosphere awkward i better be quite.I'll just ask his name since i didn't catch it up earlier

"What's your and your brother's name? is it okay if i ask?"I said while looking at him then i focused again at the way we are heading it was easy to know because he was pointing the direction after all.

"Ran haitani and the one on your back was Rindou haitani my younger brother"He said,i felt like he was looking at me at the back so i hummed.I knew my guts was right they are the kid from the vallahala the one who was sitting on the rotten brunch of car' s there.Chifuyu told me about them they are the infamous haitani brother's that one call would take and 100 men are already there to be they're side.

They are part of bonten too and then does that mean they are connected on kanto manji gang or im wrong?

Come to think of it they are on mikey' s side at the bonten arc and who would knew that they would team up with mikey after the tenjiku conflict after izana kun's death maybe they are involve with this?No probably not they look like they doens't know anyway but why am i still here and helping them what prize will i get to be close with them?none

Ah maybe i'll just help them like i used to do and his brother is in a bad state and if i just leave and didn't help them my guiltness is going to beat me up.

We are finally at they're house and wow its fucking big.My jaw almost drop when i saw how big it is but i just shrug it off and followed the older haitani. We are now inside the house,the house was clean and its smells good i put the younger haitani on the sofa and get my medical kit that i just bought earlier.

While i was putting the alcohol on the wounds gently i saw Ran looking at me observing of what am i doing so i sign and stop to look at him.

"I notice earlier that you didn't know what to do,Do you want me to teach you Ran kun to how to treat wounds and especially bruises?"I said while giving him some balls of cotton with vetadine through it.He nodded and say down he was treating the other hands while im treating the face.Im reaching him step by step of what to do so he can get it sooner.And he was fast learner indeed,he put the bandages good and treat the wounds and clean it good either.

I put the layed the younger haitani in the sofa with small pillow on his head supporting it.

"Then thats all set i think he will wake up sooner or later"I said while looking at Ran,he seemed the shy person type because he keeps looking away and getting red while im talking to him.He look at the ground and said

"How old are you and what' s your name?"

"my name is takemichi hanagaki,im eight years old you? I haven 't know your age yet"i said and sat on the ground,he sits on the floor either beside me and said

"Ran haitani and im 14 years old and my brother here is rindou he is 13"He said i met his last purple eye's,his cheeks got red and i got confused of why does all of people at my age that i knew back on the future was always red when they are looking at me?Am i that ugly? I just shrug that thoughts off and starts a conversation with him.

When we are having some conversation his brother suddenly groan in pain maybe its because of the bruises and wounds that cause because of the fight?

I turned to look at him and his and my face met so closed well we are both boy's so what' s embarassed about it.I smiled my eye's we're closed and said

"are you okay?"I said,he blink a few times and the older haitani rushed over him and gave him some water with his glasses.

"Ah-Rindou he is the one who help us and help me to treat your wounds he is hanagaki...takemichy"He said while pointing his index finger at me.The younger immediatly bowed and said

"thank you for helping me!"I just smiled by the sudden politeness

"Its not a problem your welcome by the way"I said smiling at him and stand up to patt his head.After that he turned in flashed red face,wow everytime every fucking time!Are they always shy?

"Then i'll be going now my father would be worried if i get home later"I said and started walking off while my hands are waving backwards.My wrist got stop and i turned to look who it was.Ran Haitani with Rindou haitani on his back,

" you have any phone? If you do can you by any chance give us your number so that we can relay you for what you did for us?" Ran said while his cheeks are quite red,i check his forehead and god he was fucking tall.

"Your not sick so why are you red?"

To be continued

thats all for today :)

thank you for reading and keep healthy and eat healthy food.And always drink water to avoid dehydration ;)

take care everyone♡

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