Chapter 22

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My second chance

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My second chance

Takemichi hanagaki
By:ewan ko bwiset

Chapter twenty two

No one's pov

Takemichi stared at draken for a few more moment he never expect that he would see draken an alive man who loved emma since birth oh fuck he wants to hug draken so fucking tight that he would probably ask him of why would he sacrifice himself for him i mean he is just a nobody

"drake-" takemichi paused for a minuted and chuckled he remembered that he need to act like he dont know them nor they life "Yeah.. Uhm thanks!" takemichi bowed yeah keep on acting and don't you dare cry

"uhm welcome i guess?" Takemichi fix his posture straight and smiled at draken

"kid you know what you shouldn't be walking alone its pretty dangerous here"

"uhm yeah your right i-i shouldn't be walking home alone right! Haha ye-yeah" Takemichi said while stuttering because if awkwardness mix with nerviousness, he was about to get away but draken stop him by grabbing his wrist

"w-wait!" draken said he looks at the biy who was bothered at his wrist being pulled close "uhm sorry-but anyway whats your name?"

"my name?" takemichi said and pointed his index finger at himself

"yes.. Your name!"

"hotaru takeruchi" takemichi lied 'fuck why did i lie?' he thought to himself, draken tilted his head then chuckled

"i-i thought your hanagaki takemichi that mikey was talking about-hahahaha maybe i am wrong.. Cause you have blue  ocean baby blue eyes and long lashes and raven haired like what mikey told.."Draken said then scratch his nape, wait mikey was telling his friends about him? Why?

" oh!! Haha you y-you git the wr-wrong person"Takemichi said, draken smiled at takemichi with his eyes closed and said

"Well then nice to meet you takeruchi! I hope we meet again!!"

"yeah nice to meet you yoo d-uhm whats your name" takemichi stop himself from saying the boys name instead he made an act like he didn't know the boy who was right infront of him alive.

"Names Ryuguji Ken but you can call me draken!" he said livelier

"Nice to meet you once again draken kun!--well then shall i take my leave?"

"Uhm wait before you do.. D-do you want me to take you home its pretty late you know?and your a kid.." Draken said shyly

'your a kid too-'

"n-no thanks im good" Takemichi  said then bowed at draken sa he excuse himself to the kid, Draken was about to chase takemichi but he change his mind since its none of his business anyway.. Right

Takemichi's pov

As i was running i felt that my eyes is starting to cosplay as water fall i can't no i won't cry.

My chest were heavy while i was running to fast not wanting to be chase by the man who almost sacrifice himself just for us senju and i to be alive

And i can't face him right now i left him.. Its making me feel guilty about it.. And i dont want that,

While running home i heared a loud shouts around i tried to search for the shouts that i've heared

"ackk! Please spare us!! Forgive us please don't hurt us!"

There! In the alley!

I run through the alley and saw a tall guy who was smoking,what caught my eye is the tattoo on the back of his palm his hair was long and he had a black hoodie while in his other hand who have a tattoo too was full of blood

It was such a horror sight for me.. Takemichi's legs were shaking while he put his palm on his open mouth

'shit! I-i need t-to go away! But.. Why does my legs not listening..'

Takemichi thought to himself the man who was sitting on the bunch of beat up guys looks at takemichi and smiled as their eyes met each other

"hello there.. Pumpkin what are you doing here in the late of night? Don' t you know its dangerous to walk around here? Alone?" the tall man said as he stands up and walks over to takemichi who was shaking in fear

'kapre yarn?'

(In Philippine mythology, the kapre is a creature that may be described as a tree giant, being a tall (7–9 ft (2.1–2.7 m)), dark-coloured, hairy, and muscular creature. Kapres are also said to have a very strong body odour and to sit in tree branches to smoke. Kapre."

" your cute child"

Oh lord if your listening to me save my life from this kapre! I just wanted to save some people and prevent them from dying!! Please lord save my lowclass life

"whats with the shiver child don't worry im not going to hurt you im 10 years old after all"

What 10 years old in that gigantic height? Is this what they called favouritism?

"stop making funny faces dude," the kapre said and cares takemichi's face that it even left a blood and takemichi who was too stunned to speak look at hanma's eyes by accidental

Shit is this day can even go worst? First baji confess that he was jealous and i dont know why? And then met draken kun?? Now a kapre?

"kapre.." he look at me with wide eye and was about to laugh wait did i said that out loud?

"what? A kapre? Really dude? Im not a person who smok-"he was cutted by his own words when he take a puff of his cigarette

Wait a 10 year old boy? Smoking? Isn't that illegal?

" nee nee whats your name? Names hanma shuji"

To be finally fucking continued....

See you next week or maybe few weeks :'>

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