Chapter 23

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No one's pov

"my names hanma shuji short pie~whats yours" hanma said as he cares takemichis face using his bloody hands, takemichi look at hanma's eyes who are most likely it will kill him. He was terefied by it and why can't this person be a normal one

Takemichi took a deep breath and soften his face to hanma as he smiled brightly to the boy, hanma was shock when takemichi did that causw normally all the kids who he get interested with will look at him with despair and fear but takemichi dont look at him that way instead he took a deep breath and gave him a calm smile

"hanagaki takemichi" The boy said, hanma knows that everybody in this street knows that he is a dangerous person and would instantly go away when he saw his shadows so why did this kid didn't did it? And instead he introduce himself.

Hanma's eye's lighten up a bit and look at takemichi's face it was like he was observing this boy, he smiled and said

"pretty face you've got there"

"Oh.. Thanks!" Takemichi said, hanma instantly look at takemichi's Plump lips a lips with a pleasing round shape that is thick, succulent and curvy and a bit reddish that you will want to devour even though this kid is just a kid

Hanma took the gap between his and takemichis lips, and it will look like he was about to kiss the boy but he left a small space and smiled mischievously

"Your cute wanna go around with me"

"this late at night? I would say yes but my father saids no" Takemichi replied, hanma just laugh at the small statement even though it wasn't funny

"Then tomorrow are you free?"

"Yeah i am-"

"then i'll pick you up at 12:00 oclock" hanma said cutting takemichi's words off and didn't let him finish

"how? You dont know me nor our house.?"

"i have my ways darling~, now go home before daddy gets mad at you" as hanma said that takemichi makes a confused face while hanma was waving his hands as a goodbye but he continue making that face and hanma keeps waving his hands, hanma stops and then sigh loudly looking at him with a bored face

"now what aren't you going home?"

Takemichi looks at him suspiciously and then snaps out of it and walk away not caring about hanma's question

"what the fuck oh come on kiddo what the fuc-" before hanma can curse again takemichi hit his head and said

"Dont curse infront of me zombie!" Hanma was about to tear up of how that hit was so hard that he can feel his head can bleed by how hard it is


"bye bye!"

"oh come on let me finish my words!"

Takemichi's pov

I walk ahead home not caring about hanma's whining noises, while walking home i saw a little kitty who keeps following me it was a black cat, has black fur and wide eyes. He has a scar at the back of his head.

I offered him to go on my grasp allowing him to go with me, surprisingly he jump onto me and cares his face along with mine

'aww what a cutie cat'

I went home with the black cat and of course father wasn't in this house again, probably at his workplace. I open the door and as expected papa wasn't here so i just ignore it i get some milk on the fridge and some leftover foods for the black cat.

I look at the cat and sat on the floor i patted the cat and surprisingly it didn't bite me i just chuckled softly and said

"Do you like me kitty?"

The cat just look at me and smiled wait smiled? This days cat doesn't like me and it will probably scratch me but this cat is something

"what should i name you?"

I ask the cat, stupid me how can a cat reply me and if it would i would probably run and throw this cat because of fear-

"you got a scar on the back of your head so you get into a big fight so your name will be gotta be brave! I will name you..."


"storm would you like that?"

"meow!" the cat go to me and sleeps on my lap, i pick the cat up and puts tje finished food aside, i walk on my room while me carrying the cat

I put the cat on my bed and i also sleep beside the cat, the cat come closer to me much like hugging me i felt so fluttered that i cant help but to blush

To be continued

Sorry this is a short chapter hshshshhs i just ran out of ideas and sorry for being absent i just have a lot of school works and i need to focus on studies that all thank you for reading see you on the next chapter

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