Chapter 16-The promise

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My second chance Chapter sixteenThe promise

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My second chance
Chapter sixteen
The promise

Takemichi hanagaki

Third person's pov

"Sure!! I would love to! Just let me finish this and go ask for my father's permission okay? Just wait here"Takemichi said and look at mikey with toothy smile on his face,

"I'll help you so we'll make it quick!"Mikey beamed at him takemichi was about to say something but mikey is already helping him to throw the garbage so he just let the boy be,

A few minutes later they already finish,Mikey lean his back on the wall and wait's for takemichi outside.Then a few seconds takemichi are already there,so he chuckled a bit and they started to walk.

"Oh right,Here eat this!"Mikey said and give takemichi a lollipop,he accepted it and started to take the lollipop's wrap away,after that he started to suck it and feel the juiciness of th lollipop,he look at mikey who was staring at the sky hands we're on the pockets while walking with him.

"..mikey kun..what is it like to have a mother?"Takemichi asked which is never expected cause ever since his mother died when she was giving birth to takemichi,takemichi never saw his mother he never knew his mother's appearance or what is her personality like,he even ask for the picture of her but his father said that he doesn't have one..but this childish question that he wanted to ask to a kid who have a mother is foolish but he still want to know what it's like to have a mother

"Oh...having a mother sure is amazing,the kind of undying love and devotion to the only human who has been there since day one and it's like no one can touch you when your in your mother's side because she can protect you something like that"Mikey said while there was a worry and concern on his voice while explaining it to the boy who have the eye'of eager that he really want to know "Why michi?" Mikey continued,he felt like it was awkward to ask this question but he wants to know why

" mother died when she was giving birth to me,"Mikey widen his eye's as he hears takemichi's explanation "I never have any of her pictures cause my father doesn't have one but my father said that my mother loves me very much"Takemichi continued and look at mikey's eye's,

"I-im sorry that- i-im sorry takemichi it was such an insensitive if me to ask this question! I-sorry"Mikey started to panicked takemichi just chuckled and said

"Its fine,uhm mikey kun is this the hospital that your mother was in?is she a nurse or a doctor here?"Takemichi said then pointed the hospital who was in front of them,Mikey shakes his head and said

"She is a patient here"Mikey said then takemichi bowed and said "Sorry mikey kun!!I'm so insensitive to ask this too!"Mikey just chuckled loudly and said

"I ask you an insensitive question too right?,but it's fine you don't need to apologized"Mikey said then make takemichi to not bow anymore,Mikey held takemichi's hands then started to run over to the hospital and search for his mother's hospital number,a few minutes if looking the finally found it

"Its here my mother's room number 3602"Mikey said then grab takemichi's wrist again and go in to the room,sunset going down on the background,hitting the lady's skin along with the book that she were reading,the wind howling making her hair to swish on her cheek,while leaves are falling on they're stems,she have a ravennete hair as same with takemichi,

her hair was tied in loose ponytail,she also have a long lashe's that matche's her black obsidian eye's,her cheeks were pinkish while her nose were quite reddish she also have a pointy nose and pinkish lips that match her appearance making her look even more attractive

The lady turn her head on them,Mikey smiled brightly to his mother and run over her while grabbing takemichi's hands,Mikey lets go of takemichi's hands and then look at takemichi and smiled a little

"Who is this boy beside you dear?"His mother ask after that she close the book that she was reading,his mother's voice was caring and gentle as it sounded on takemichi's ear

"Uhm this is takemichy hanagaki my soon to be wife mom!"Mikey said,takemichi was still indazed by mikey's mother beauty so he didn't hear what mikey's says

"Oh the one that you keep talking about!"His mother said as she patted mikey's head,takmeichi finally notice his surroundings when he felt a gentle hand on his head patting it,it was warm and caring as it is

"Hello little boy"Mikey's mother said as she smiled at the younger,what mikey says earlier were true having a mother that care's about you and love you sure is amazing,

"H-hi mam my name is takemichi hanagaki"Takemichi said some faint blush are on his cheeks before he look at the ground,Mikey's mom chuckled and offer him a hand and said "Well then pleasure to meet you young boy my name is Sakurako Sano"Sakurako said and takemichi gently shakes her hand

After that they all talk to sakurako about their friendship to each other that sakurako can only smile of how cute of the two telling their stories to the women in front of them.Sakurako turn to look at takemichi who was laughing because mikey made another idiotic move again in front of him that mikey can only turn red and look away with a pout on his face

"Hey..mikey can you do me a favor?"Sakurako said and mikey look at her and nodded takemichi stop his laugh for a second and look at sakurako

"Can you buy some snacks and drinks for all of us?"Sakurako said and reach for his bag to get some money,Mikey nodded

"Michi accompany mom for a second okay!I'll be back"Mikey said then rab towards the door,A few second later mikey finally left

It was silence between of them,but sakurako broke it with a light smile on her face and look at the young man in front of him

"Takemichy San.."Sakurako said with a gentle voice,takemichi looks at her and met her eye's obsidian met ocen baby blue sky

"I know we just met but..can you do me a favor?"

"Yes mam its alright"

"Can you take care of Manjirou for me? illness is getting worse and i know that i will die soon..can you do that to me"Sakurako smiled brightly,takemichi nodded and sakurako patted his head oh the 'take care' word again,he heared that countless times and all the people who said that died or get to the dark side,but sakurako said it so he will do take care of mikey like he always does

"Sure mam..i promise"Takemichi smiled at her an sakurako offered him a open hug and takemichi glad to do it so

"Thank you..!"Sakurako spotted her voice were shaky and unsteady,Takemihi patted her back gently as a comfort

I'll take care and save you mikey kun,I'll do it as many times as I could..

Even though it causes my life

To be continued

:>that's all for today hope you enjoyed today's chapter!!

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