Chapter 14

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My second chance
Chapter fourteen

Takemichi hanagaki-

Takemichi hanagaki-

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No one's pov

"Good afternoon miss where is the kid named kakuchou hitto room is?"Akito said while looking at the nurse with takemichi holding his hands while biting his nails from nerviousment

"Are you sir Akito hanagaki?"The nurse asked

"Yes yes the one you called earlier miss"Akito replied while he hold takemichi's hand tighter

"Okay sir,Go to room 0062"The nurse said as she look at the computer while talking to Akito who just nodded by the information he get,Akito immediately lifted takemichi up and look for kakuchou's room and finally a few minutes have passed he finally saw the room he was looking for.

Akito put takemichi down gentle and kneeled reaching his height level and touch his son in both shoulders and said

"You want to comfort kakuchou kun right?Go ahead and talk to him i'll wait here,outside"As soon as he tells that to takemichi,takemichi gentle open the door only to see kakuchou who have a scar on his face,While his other eye we're blind.

Kakuchou was looking at the window not saying anything to takemichi,it was  moment of silent until takemichi climb over the hospital bed and sit's on it he touche's kakuchou's hand but still it looks like the boy was still occupied by what happened to his parents.

"Kaku-chan can you atleast look at me?"Takemichi said,kakuchou didn't bother to look at him he was still looking at the window,looking at the sunset as it go down.

"Kaku-chan please?"Ignored again,Takemichi gulp and care' s kakuchou' s hands

"Kaku chan i don't know what you've been experiencing right now but no matter how many person you've lost you have to go on"Takemichi said sincerely as kakuchou finally look at him,The ears that he keep stopping finally fell on its own.Takemichi jump off the bed and walk towards kakuchou and hug him tight as kakuchou do the same,he cries in front of takemichi,

"Tak-takemic-takemichi!"Kakuchou spitted between his tears as he hug takemichi even more tight,and takemichi also gave him a warm embrace that he can assure that he can feel safe and secure

"Always remember kaku chan im always here for him"Takemichi said and gave him a soft smile with a soft aura,kakuchou looks up and saw takemichi's pain expression he looks guilty why?why? Why do you look guilty?And why do you have a scar on your face as i saw you you don't have that?

A few minutes of takemichi committing kakuchou from his breakdown kakuchou finally calm down.Takemichi was just sitting there in a chair holding kakuchou's hands as kakuchou looks at him,takemichi was just giving him a warm smile but there's a guilt inside his eye's that kakuchou finded weird.But takemichi's scar keeps getting his attention

He wants to ask the younger but he is afraid that the younger will find it sad and he will feel awkward towards the boy in front of him.Kakuchou is glad that takemichi is here to comfort him but asking takemichi such a question will be awkward isn't it?He doesn't want takemichi to feel unease towards him so he just ignore it and he just let takemichi tell him some stories about How he met this haitani brothers and the childish Manjirou,he just chuckled of how takemichi can describe them

The room finally felt easy to breath on and takemichi is also glad as kakuchou that he finally made the boy feel that he wasn't alone.That takemichi is just one call away and you can talk all your pain on his friend,just how lucky can he be towards takemichi.That he can't help to smile when takemichi is around,takemichi is his medicine.That when takemichi is around he will forgot the trauma that he had about the incident of his parents death.

He hope that takemichi could just stay by his side much more longer but he knows that when he got out of this hospital the police will get him on an orphanage.

"Kaku-chan and he was like 'from today s onwards you are our friends' isn't he insane i just met him like how can he ask me to be his friend immediately? Hahaha"Takemichi laugh by his statement,kakuchou also laugh but a little but you can see in his eye's that its still hurts him inside so takemichi keeps on telling him some stories about how he met such a kids and teenagers.

"Ta-takemichi is it okay if i ask something,this keeps messing in my head and i couldn't ignore to ask this but it's okay if you don't want to answer it its fine"as kakuchou said that takemichi looks at him with a close eye's smile and nodded

"Why-why do you..have that in your mouth what happened? Is there anyone bullying you?are you okay?"Kakuchou continued and takemichi chuckled once he finish his brunch of questions

"One question at a time okay kaku chan? And its okay for you to ask since i get this from saving someone.Its an accident and its okay for me to have this"Takemichi smiled brighter,

"You look so cute you know that?"

That small statement from kakuchou leaves them in a complete silence.A few minutes later it hits kakuchou,he just say something that he wish he didn't

"A-ah sorry takemichi but your cute okay! Aish! But its not meant for it to be that way but you are pretty cute!!! So-"Kakuchou starts to explain which is making him stutter,takemichi started to laugh of how his friends starts to panic,

"Its okay kaku chan you just complimented me and thank you,you look cute too!"As he said that he gave kakuchou a patt and also gave him a big bright smile which made kakuchou turn into red that its hard to guess if is it for embarassment or he is just litterally blushing!

"Wahh kaku-chan you are in complete red should i call the nurse!!?"Takemichi starts to also panic because his bestfriend is getting red 'is he having fever?' Takemichi thought to himself

"Im fine,Im fine"kakuchou said hiding his face using his hands.

To be continued

This chaotic moments of kaku x takemichi seems yassified good

Wahh TvT sorry for the late update i just forgot to update sowwy!!!And by the way thank you for reading today s chapter

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