002: 🌑Macaque🌑

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🌑 Macaque's reaction to y/n taking off her shirt during training.🌑 🍋Smut intended 🍋

💥- You were already a boxer and spent most of your day inside of the gym lifting weights and punching the punching bag. You were pretty strong. Before your work out, you'd take your shirt off leaving only your shorts and sports bra on.

💥- After you were done with the gym, you would shower and change into some new clothes and go in with your day.

💥- You met Macaque one day when you were leaving Yoga class and heading home for the day. You were heading down the street wearing your headphones. You didn't notice that you were being followed by a group of 7 men.

💥- Eventually, you realized a little to late and one of them grabbed you and the other pressed a knife to your back. The forced you into and ally way and tried to rob you. You of course weren't having it and knocked out their leader with one swift punch to the face.

💥- Once he fell back, another one charged at you with his knife and tried to stab you.byou caught his wrist and made him drop his knife before kneeing him in his stomach.

💥- And after a few minutes of beating up the men you grabbed your things and left the ally and continued walking. You cut through another ally. when you heard a voice speak to you, "Your pretty strong for a mortal. But, you could use some more training." You looked around, before you finally looked up.

💥- You saw the Shadow Monkie, wearing a long scarf and clothes, with cute boots. You blinked a few times before shaking your head, " I must be losing my mind. Maybe (f/n) was right. I need to chill out with gym visits." You said to yourself while you stared to walk away.

💥- He followed you before landing in front of you with his arms crossed, and a smile on his face, "You know, it's pretty rude to ignore someone Pipsqueak." You blinked in shock. Ok you definitely weren't losing it. There was a whole monkey in front of you talking.

💥- You stared at him before speaking, "who? NO- What are you?" You asked confused and more intregued at him. "Easy princess, Name's Macaque. Six eared Macaque. And like I said before, I want to train you." He said while watching you.

💥- You sighed, "Why? Why do you want to train me? You literally don't need me for anything. For crying out loud your a demon! You don't need my strength." You said slowly getting irritated. It had already been a long night and you were tired.

💥- He could sense the irritation in your voice and he sped along with it, "I just see potential in you. You have the potential to be something other than a pathetic mortal. I don't offer my help to just anyone sweets." He said while watching you eager to hear your answer.

💥- Being tired and wanting to go home you just agreed and walked in the direction of your home. Macaque followed you in pursuit until you got there. You left the door opened for him to come in. Which he did and luckily he was nice enough to shut and lock the door.

💥- He looked around, this place wasn't so bad. It was actually pretty homey. He say on a bean bag chair was sunk into it. Wth was this?! A boneless chair? Well all he knew is he wanted one of these, whatever they were. Maybe he'd ask you for one of your's.

💥- But rest assured, he was gonna get him a bean bag chair. He eventually ended up falling asleep in it. You came back to grab some water and saw him sleeping in the beanbag chair. You sighed and went to get him a blanket. This was kinda dangerous.

💥- Letting a stranger sleep in your apartment when you hardly even noticed him in the first place. But, he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. It was actually adorable. You gently put the blanket on him and went to bed.

💥- Then next morning, you woke up, took a shower and got ready to start your day. You opened your room door and walked to the kitchen, only to see Macaque trying to figure out the coffee machine. He looked so lost and was trying to figure out how to work it.

💥- Eventually, he noticed you and folded his arms, "You just enjoy watching me huh? Kinda creepy princess." He said laughing a bit. you rolled you eyes and laughed at him, "In your dreams man." That took him by surprise, but he brushed it off quickly.

💥- "So, we training today or something?" You asked while reaching in her fridge and grabbing some peaches in a cup. He watched you and quickly looked away,"Only if your up for it. Gotta warn ya tho, I don't go easy on people. That includes girls." He confirmed while smirking.

💥- You let out a 'hm' and before swallowing your peach and smiled, "Don need cha to go easy on me. In fact, be as rough as you want. I like a challenge." You said before grabbing your bag and opening the door. "Com'on gotta take me to wherever we're going fuzzy."

💥- He stared at you before laughing. Then he turned serious and said, "Don't call me fuzzy, princess." You smiled at him and giggled, "But, I like it." He only rolled his eyes and gestered you to follow him. After you grabbed you bag, you followed him all the way to his dojo. It was a long walk but and interesting one.

💥- Eventually, you both made it there, and you began discussing the type of training that you would start with today. You settled on one and long and behold training begun. Before you started tho, you began taking off your shirt.

💥- Now Macaque was flabbergasted. Wth were you doing?! Why were you taking off your shirt?! Good gods! Was it even ok for him to watch?! So many questions flooded though the shadow monkey's head as he watched you in shock. Eventually, he snapped out of it and quickly grabbed you shirt and tried to pull it down.

💥- "What are you doing?! I said training not stripping!" He said while trying to avoid looking at your breast. It was clear that he was flustered. Normally, he wouldn't freak out like this, I mean he's seen a woman's chest before. Just.... Not almost uncovered.

💥- He quickly pulled himself together and let go of your shirt. You ended up taking it off anyways. He tried keeping his focus while fighting you, but occasionally, your boobs would bounce and jiggle a bit. Poor Macaque. He was trying so hard not you pounce on you.

💥- But, you were making it ten times harder to resist. After, a Few months of training with you, he grew more used to it. But, he was still holding himself back from you. Even he knew, he wouldn't be able to resist much longer. One reason he knew and one reason only: MATING SEASON.

💥- Oh, he was struggling. He was struggling far much than any other mating season. He knew it. He knew you were teasing him. Egging him on. Trying to see how long it would take for him to give into temptation. And he was right.

💥- You knew he was slowly going feral. Yet you still teased him. You wanted to see that side of him. All because you cought feelings for him. But, you didn't think he'd catch on to what you were doing so quickly. Nothing could have prepared you for what was going to happen next.

💥- During sparing, you two were going at it. Punches were being thrown and more agressive than normal. Eventually, you two stopped for a water break. But Macaque, oh Macaque. He was fighting it. He was fighting so hard. He kept repeating in his head, "I don't need it. I don't need it, I definitely don't need it. Pull yourself together Mac." Then you made one fatal mistake.

💥- You wiggled you hips at him. That was it. Now you had done it. There wasn't any time for you to react. You were pinned on the wall and being kissed roughly. Everything became so hot, and he began kissing and biting on your neck leaving his marks on you. Now you were his. Nobody else's, His. And his alone.

💥- He got close you your ear and whispered, "You've been playing games with me for too long. Now, lets play a new game, this time I'm it.~" He carried you all the way too his room. Let's just say, you would live to both Enjoy and Regret that day.

🌺Wow, my first ever smut chapter. Sorry if it's cringe. But I thought I'd practice a bit. So here you go. -Author-chan 🌺

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