009: 🔥Redson🔥

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🔥 Redson x Ice! Princess reader❄️

❄️- You were from a family of powerful ice wielders. Legends say, that your families ice was so powerful, Nothing could melt it. Not even fire. Speaking of fire, You and Redson we're having it out. of course you were degrading him every chance you got. And he hated it.

❄️- "Hah! That the best you got fire boy?! Mk hits faster than you!" You said with the biggest smile on your face while dodging with ease, the series of fire punches being thrown your way. You heard Mk let out an offended, "Hay! I Heard that!" You and Redson didn't like each other. You both made that pretty clear. You both were polar opposites.

❄️- You were calm and collected, chilled out, and altogether down to earth. He was a Hothead with a temper, and with a whole complex. He was so spoiled, and you hated that. He walked around acting all high and mighty just because his dad was The demon bull king. You were getting tired of him. Rather quickly.

❄️- You delivered a kick to his stomach, sending him flying through several buildings. You huffed in annoyance. As you quickly joined the fight with Mk and Mei fighting an army of bull clones. And you guys were kickin' their butts like throwing hands.

❄️- You guys had beaten or broken all of the clones before Redson appeared again. He yelled out, "YOU THINK YOU WON?! I'LL BE BACK AND WHEN I DO YOUR GOING TO PAY!" You rolled your eyes and leaned up against Mk and smirked, "Yeah, yeah, we get it. Now, Run home to mommy and daddy, Redboy!"

❄️- He let out a frustrated groan/yell before vanishing in a small tornado of fire. You all cheered and high fived each other. You made small talk while you walked home. Eventually, your phone rang and it was you dad. You got away from Mei and Mk and sighed before answering, "Hi Dad, what is it? I'm hangin with my friends."

❄️- He apologized and began explaining how he had recently met a friend while coming back from a journey. Now, your dad was a sweet man, er, Lion? Anyways, he was know as the beast who slayed gods. But, his personality was way different than the human books you'd read about. His roars could shake the earth if he was enraged.

❄️- But that rarely ever happened. He likes your friends. Although Mei seems to be his favorite out of the two while your mom favors Mk. They both see them as secondary kids. Now your mom, she was and still is a vicious fighter. Typically in her clan, woman were the heads of the households. She was seen as a brute from a young age. But, she ended up falling in love with your father and marrying him. Next thing ya know boom, you were born and as you grew older, you were being trained by both of them. You got your strength from your mama and daddy. Mostly your mom. they often called you their little protege due to you being able to harness your powers at 5 years old.

❄️- You parents have the most healthy relationship you've ever seen. And they live you too much. It often makes them over protective. Specially your dad. but anyways back to the story. You were told to come home and get ready to meet your parents friends. You didn't want to, but your parents begged you to. And so, you bid your goodbye's to your besties. And headed back home. The walk wasn't necessary because, you could just teleport there. It was easier that way. Also it saved time and energy than just walking home.

❄️- You agreed as long as you didn't have to wear an dress. You mom was a bit on the defense of you wearing a dress. But, your dad assured her that it wasn't necessary for you to wear a formal dress. So she let it slide, this time. Once you were all ready, you and you parents were teleported by your father to their friends house. You instantly recognized this place. And it was then that you dreaded being here. And right after you told mk if you ever saw Redson again it would be too soon. Now, you were here. at his home. You groaned and walked inside with your father and mother.

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now