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🔥- You met Red-son while you were chilling at the arcade with Mk and Mei. Even though you were supposed to be training. But, you guys pulled a slick one and decided to have some fun. You knew the three of you would get in trouble, pigsy always did have a short temper.

🔥- The three of you knew well you'd take a lecture from Pigsy and Sun later. But now it was time to have some fun. And you'd be DAMNED if anyone was gonna ruin you're fun time with your besties. That just wasn't going to happen. It wasn't after you guys got to all hang out like this. Especially with Mk being wukong a successor and the monkie kid. It often got hard to set a hang out date.

🔥- You all were having the time of your lives, partying, dancing, playing games at the anti gravity arcade, you felt like nothing could possibly ruin it. That was until Redson showed up and decided to cause mayhem with this army of bull bots. Mk being a lovable goof ball idiot decided to jump in the mix and fight him. Meanwhile you and Mei were holding your own again the bull clones.

🔥- Then you guys saw Mk go flying and got distracted by it. Leading you two to get captured and tied up. You were then dragged into a building where they leaned you both into a corner and there Redson began his evil monologue. Of course, this annoyed you, seeing as you hated long monologues and too much talking in general (me).

🔥-"Looks like Nyoodle boy is being held up. Course, when you're fighting me is an honor itself. Now, he'll have to hand over that staff, if he wants his wittle friends back." He said with a little laugh. Meanwhile you had somehow managed to get the tape off of you're mouth.

🔥-"So, you're saying that you kidnapped us because your too weak to take the staff by force? I dunno man, Kinda lame and weak. But hey what do I know? I'm just a silly mortal/immortal." You asked slyly and with a smirk and an eyebrow raised. This took Redson by surprise.

🔥- "W-WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM WEAK?! I AM THE SON OF THE MOST POWERFUL DEMON! I RED-SON, WILL NOT BE DISRESPECTED BY A LOWLY PEASENT LIKE YOU!!" Redson yelled, he didn't realize it but he was starting to blush. His hair slightly combusting into flames before slowly dying down. He growled and cleared his throat trying to keep his cool.

🔥- How dare you?! A Lowly peasant girl/boy like yourself, should have been praising a elite like him. But, here you were. Completely disrespecting him, The absolute audacity you had to insult someone is great as him. He knew his father wouldn't stand for this, so neither should he. He cleared his throat again and scoffed, "I'll have you know, this plan is absolutely foolproof. And it possibly couldn't fail in any way." He said pushing his glasses up making them shine in the light while he grinned.

🔥-"But, Redsie, You always lose to us. And it's mostly by Mk's hands. Don't you think maybe you're over hyping yoursewf a bit too much?" You asked in a baby talk tone to annoy him even more. You knew he hated it. It just made you so happy to watch him boil over. You swear you could see steam coming from his nose and ears. You probably weren't hallucinating, it probably really was happening.

🔥- God's he hated you, but he was so intrigued by you. Everything about you screamed, interesting! But, he'd never dare to feed into you're ego. Never in a million light years. He would never stoop down to your level. He hated that about you also, you're snark, your sass, why couldn't you just be afraid of him like most of the other mortals?

🔥- He glared down at you, and growled in annoyance with a small tent on his cheeks, "Stop talking to me as if I'm a pathetic child you Lowly little peasant! I am far supreme and completely superior to you!- ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" He yell while his hair practically flared up in fire with a mix of embarrassment and frustration.

🔥- Just who did this woman/man think she/he was?! How dare she/he look in another direction while he's talking?! What kind of disrespectful nonsense was this. But, you were cute when you got distracted by that- NO! NO! He will NOT succome to your Womanly/Manly charm. We must stay focused brothers.

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now