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🌑Macaque x male Dragon! Reader🌑

💥- He had finally found you. The ticket to breaking bone lady's hold on him. You were a kind hearted dragon, who always tried to see the best in people. Even if some didn't deserve it. You expected another human to visit you, but you were surprised to see the Six eared Macaque at the door of your temple.

💥- you stared down at him, "Welcome, Six eared Macaque. What may I help you with? I assume since you traveled so far to see me that you wish for something." He nodded and stood beside infront of you. He spoke with confidence, "yes. I heard you can break seals and bonds for those who don't wish to serve under a master anymore." You nodded and told him to go on.

💥- "I want to be rid of the seal she has on me. Can you remove it? I have the necessary need for the spell to work." He said holding his satchel and looking up at you. He stared at you. He didn't want to look desperate but you could tell he was. You stared down at him with calm eyes and nodded. "Yes, I can remove her hold on you. I am glad you came prepared." You said while you tail swished.

💥- You got up and you told him for follow you. Macaque nodded and followed beside you. "How long have you been under her control?" Macaque was speechless, he honestly didn't know himself. How long had it been? He honestly didn't remember. He sighed and said,"I don't know. It's been for a long time. That's for sure." You stared down at him.

💥- You guessed you understood, there was no way for you to know. But, something about this monkey interested you. But you quickly brushed those thoughts away and stopped at the circle on the ground. "We're here. Come." You said while walking inside of the circle. You sat down and held out both of you paws, "Place you hands in mine and keep your eyes closed, it is curial that you do." Macaque nodded and closed his eyes as you began to say the spell and the items from his bags began to float off the ground.

💥- Macaque could hear different sounds from the whispers and she shaking of the trees from the gust of wind that was now surrounding them. Even though he wanted to see what was going on around him, he knew that if he did, he'd ruin his chances to be free for that horrible witch. So, he kept his eyes closed, but now he was feeling stomach pain.

💥- He felt like he was about to throw up Any second now, and he felt your hands/paws let go of his as all at once it came out. Except, it wasn't throw up, it was a blue energy that burst out from his mouth and eyes as he was uncontrollably levitated and having this force excated out of him.

💥- It hurt. It LITTERALLY hurt. But, it was worth it. If it meant he'd never had to see her again, he was willing to go through this pain. Even if it felt like his sould was being snached from his body and being torn in half. But, as quickly as it began, it was over in a flash. He felt his body drop and land one something soft. "It is done." He stared at you weakly and shook his head to wipe away the dizziness he felt.

💥- He stared at the blue ball that you held in your paw and watched it crystalized. You held it and it went from blue to white as you purified it. Then you absorbed the power and stared down at the monkey. You allowed him to stay on your tail until he was ready to stand in his own. "Are you alright, Six-eared Macaque?" You asked while lowering your head to him. He gave a soft exhale and stood up.

💥- "Yeah, I'm good." He said smiling to himself as he as found himself looking at the place here her seal was. It was gone. At last, he was free. Free of her. Now, he could do as he pleased. He decided not to take up much more of your time and leave. But, rest assured, this was not the last time you'd see him again.

💥- It had been a few weeks since he had come to visit you in hopes to remove his seal. It was normals for you to not see the people who you helped again. You assumed they didn't want to be bothered by you and leave them alone. You knew that they only seemed you out to do their bidding, but you still felt joy in helping others.

💥- Even if, they never helped you in return. There was some child who'd used to visit you
But, one day he stopped coming. It left you rather lonely, but you understood. He couldn't stop living his life just to visit you. Some people were lucky enough to find you in times of crisis. The village below you would suffer for the winters and harsh summers where the water dried up. And you'd come down and grant wished and help them.

💥- They sometimes held a festival for you. But, it was nice to be appreciated. In your eyes at least. Just as you were about to close your eyes and drift to sleep, the door to your temple opened and you lifted your head. It was Macaque, he had returned. "Greetings Six-eared Macaque, is there something I may help you with?" You asked shrinking your self down to be as tall as a horse.

💥- He smiled as said, "Nope." You became puzzled, if he didn't need something from you why was he here, he seemed to notice the look of bewilderment on your face and sat down Infront of you, "I just thought you might want some company as all." You sat down and nodded gently, "That would be nice." His tail wagged a bit.

💥- You both sat for hours as you talked about your lives. You even changed his perspective on certain things. You enjoyed hearing his stories and about his adventures. You hadn't left your temple in a long time due to being in hiding. You feared that yet again, clans and families may clash for who holds the rights to your powers.

💥- The days he'd visit became months, and you had grown quite fond of him as he did for you. You always looked forward to his visits. And he always looked forward to seeing you. to be completely honest, you grew attached to him and you found great comfort in him. It felt nice to have someone that close to you.

💥- He came back, but this time, he had a brought you a lily flower. And he sat with you. "Y'know, I don't think I've ever felt this much happiness then when you come to visit me." You said smiling happily. Macaque smiled back and laughed, " You've been alone for so long. I understand how you feel. But, your not alone anymore." You gave a soft nod.

💥- "It's true, I have been alone for quite sometime. But, I enjoy our friendship. But, I have more of a confession to make." Macaque looked at you intrigued and hopeful. He originally came here to confess to you. You exhaled, "I think, I have fallen in love with you. The time I've spent with you has been amazing. Gods, I'm not good at this, But, I would be honored if you'd agree to be my mate."

💥- Macaque smiled and grabbed you face, "Took you long enough, scales." He said while he gently kissed your head. You purred and you tail wagged as he nuzzles you. Today was a great day for both of you. Neither of you were completely alone anymore. Now you had each other.

🌺Hi ppl. Pride month is here and it's queerer than ever. Welp I felt like I could do better with this story but, I was in a rush. Anyways as usual, leave your requests and I will try and get to them. -Author-chan 🌺

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now