020:🐽 Pigsy 🐽

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🐽 Pigsy x child! reader🐽

🐽- It was a normal morning for Pigsy. He was supposed to just go to his noodle shop, opened it and begin his day. He never expected to find you. You were left Infront a the door of his restaurant with a note placed on your chest. You were curled up in a small basket. Pigsy stared in shock, what kind of irresponsible person leaves a baby alone Infront of a restaurant. And crazy one, that's who.

🐽- Pigsy picked up the note with an eyebrow raised, it read, "To whomever picks up this note, I apologize but I cannot care for them. I know this will be a burden on you, but please take care of my little one. I know this may seem like me abandoning my child, but, it's to ensure they live on. And that they live in general. I don't want them to suffer a tragic life due to my mistakes. Please, take care of them for me.- (Make up a name lol)"

🐽- Pigsy stared down at the note, although he felt like this person was avoiding their responsibility, he knew he couldn't just leave you out here to a street full of monsters, beasts, humans, and demons. So, he picked you up and took you inside with him. But now he was confused, what do cat beasts eat? He honestly knew nothing about your species. Maybe he'd ask Tang when the scholar came around. Or maybe he'd ask his cat expert friend, sandy.

🐽- Pigsy stared down at you and he sighed, "Guess your here to stay huh? Huh, your parents never gave you a name did they? How about (Y/n)." He said with a small smile. He noticed that you had woken up and you were staring right at him. He watched you, sighing and gently scratched your ears. Your purred and meowed at him. Huh, maybe, raising a kid wouldn't be so bad.

🐽- Fast forward to 4 years later, you were running around the noodle shop giggling and playing with mk as he tried to avoid being tagged. Pigsy was greatful that the kid was able to keep you feeling happy, and keep you from being too, well, keep you outta trouble. Mk may have not been the most responsible delivery boy, but he was a good big brother. Pigsy knew he could trust Mk with you and trust him to keep you safe.

🐽- He was a bit wary once he met Monkie king and you started getting attached to the great sage. At this point, he knew Wukong knew he didn't trust you around him. But, Wukong continued to spoil you and baby you. He would hold you, head pats, and cuddles. You often call you "His baby." Sometimes. And it irked Pigsy, he'd go, "You're baby?!" And snatch you ways from the Monkie. Wukong would laugh and say he was joking around. Pigsy would just glare at the Monkie, and carry you away.

🐽- You would look over your father's shoulder and wave bye-bye to Wukong. He would wave back at you with a smile, Wukong genuinely adores you and would protect you. Pigsy pat your head and sighed, he loved you so much, he even hesitated to bring you with them to get the samadhi fire. He wanted to protect you and keep you safe, to protect you. You were his baby. His child. He loved you just like a father should. He was gonna keep you safe no matter who he had to fight to do it.

🐽- Pigsy let's you sleep over in Mk's room on the airship when you want to. But, most of the time you sleep with your dad's. Your relationship with Tang is amazing. You love your second dad, he always told you amazing stories and legends, including the ones about Monkie king. You liked those stories the most. And it was even better when Wukong would chime in and tell you different stories. If course some of them were rather graphic and bloody. Pigsy did his best to prevent you from hearing those stories and Wukong did his Best not to tell you them.

🐽- But, of course this is Wukong. Stuff tends to slip out he's excited. And he tends up go into heavy detail about his past and stories and about some types of trauma he picked up during his life. Whenever you'd see him look sad you'd simply pet his face and hug onto him. Wukong would be shook and slowly hug onto you and pet you head with soft smile. Pigsy watched this interaction and decided to let Wukong have this moment. He guessed as long as the Monkie didn't put you in danger he could trust him around you, just a little bit.

🐽- There have been numerous times where you would accidentally put yourself in danger and not realize it due to being so young. Either Wukong, Mk, Mei, basically almost everyone in the gang keeps you from hurting yourself. Mostly Wukong. Bc when he sees you, like a big brother would, he kept you in his sights and watched you closely so you wouldn't get hurt. Honestly, this surprised Pigsy. He didn't think you could possibly hold this monkie as an responsible person just by you being close to him.

🐽- Although he hated to admit it, he was glad Wukong was being responsible and looking out for you when he and Tang couldn't. After the whole Final battle with Lady bone Demon, and Wukong's possession, you almost never wanted to leave Wukong alone. The sight of him being like that and attacking you, Mk, and Nezha gave you nightmares. It scared you, and Pigsy knew that, it's why he didn't press you or yell at you for crying. That and bc you were only 4. You couldn't control how you felt about those Nightmares. His only regret was not taking you with him before that whole battle happened.

🐽- After a few weeks you calmed down. Your nightmares became non-existent. You became at peace knowing that nothing like this would happen to Wukong. Pigsy loved seeing you happy and he loved watching you run around being playful. And just being a curious kitten. Pigsy found it relaxing watching you being your usual happy self. When ever you passed Pigsy you often hugged onto his leg and purred out, "I love you, baba." He would smiled and pet your head, "Love you too, kiddo."

🐽- He of course, overtime deciding to let you go with Mk to visit Wukong. He knew, sadly, that's you looked up to the Foolish Monkie. For some gods-unknown reason. He knew he couldn't keep you from visiting or liking the Monkie king. Also you would come home talking about how you played with the baby monkies. And it was easier for Pigsy, seeing as he could give you a bath and pit you to bed. He allowed Tang to tell you bed time stories. And he would lean against the door way and watching his husband read to their child.

🐽- Once you were asleep, the two watched you and gently kissed your forehead. They loved you, and they'd do whatever they could to keep you safe. This was the first night that you slept in your room and not with your parents. All in all, Pigsy is best dad, and he will fight someone to keep you safe, if they threaten it if he feels like they'll threaten you life, they might get a butcher knife thrown at them. Hopefully, it doesn't connect, but then again it's Pigsy. He wants it to hit.

🌺Guess who's back! After what a month or two of procrastinating again? I lost count and at least I got my motivation back! For a little bit. So, I be happy now. Anyways thanks for reading this far.- Navada 🌺

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