004: 🍁Mk/ Qi🍁

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🍁- You and Mk had been together for two years, people often ask what you see in a "goofball idiot" like him. Of course being the defensive lady you were, you'd close your eyes give them a kind smile and punch a crator in the wall with your bare fist.

🍁- You would then tilt your head before peaking out of one eye with it glowing a bright (f/c), before asking in a menacingly , "I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I'm afraid I didn't hear you quite well, oh and do say it a bit louder. Just so I can make sure I heard you correctly." The person depending on who they are would run off as fast as they could.

🍁- Now, it was a different story with the monsters and demons you helped Mk beat up almost on the daily. Well, at least some of them we bolder to saying it again. You'd smile with your eyes closed,crack your knuckles, and say, "That's what I thought you said. Now lemme run yo fade." Before mercilessly beating them to a pulp.

🍁- Now, let's get this straight, you ain't no weak person. Far from it actually. You were a descendant of a fierce fighter named Kiro (Oc). She was a Powerful tiger spirit who represented your family for centuries to come. She passed down her powers to you after she seemed you worthy of being able to wield it. She knew you had a lot to learn, but you'd learn to control your abilities and grow more powerful.

🍁- Your Temper was a major concern to your family when they found out about you being Kiro's successor. Now, don't get it wrong. You were a good kid. But, that Monsterous strength you had was dangerous. Once you got so mad you punched a whole tree down and knocked over a few more from the force of the punch.

🍁- They tried to seal away your powers just until you were old enough to meet Kiro for your training. But, of course you broke it in the same day they sealed it. So, anger management class was in session. Eventually you got tired of the stress and ran away from home.

🍁- That's when you met Mk. Of course you guys were really young and since you wouldn't tell anyone who your parents were, Pigsy and Tang just took you in. And life was peaceful every since. You used to wonder why your parents never looked for you. But, tbh you didn't care.

🍁- You, Mei, and Mk we're always close and always stayed by each other's side. Sometimes you guys accidentally caused destruction on a regular basis. Let's just say, many walls were broken through our your childhood. And well it didn't stop. If anything, it only in increased when Mk became the Monkey king's successor. Chaos seemed to follow you guys everywhere you went.

🍁- But, both you and Mk needed a major break. But, not only did you both train 24/7, not only that but with you guys always delivering noodles and other stuff Pigsy cooks, it leaves you guys exhausted.

🍁- Mk was still asleep when you woke up. So you decided to go make breakfast for you both. You didn't normally have time for it. But, Pigsy saw how tired you guys were and made the hardest decision. He told you guys to have the day off. At least before you guys start the day.

🍁- but, you forgot that you were only in your bra and sleeping shorts. So without a care in the world, you started cooking. While you were making breakfast, Mk came into the kitchen after smelling pancakes. He let out a yawn before opening one eye to see you only in a bra and shorts.

🍁- he shook his head and stared in shock. Then, he blushed darkly. He stood there a a couple of minutes just staring until he lifted his hand and quickly slapped himself. He then want to grab a blanket and came back quickly.

🍁- by that time you had just put the last pancake on the plate and turned off the eye on the stove. Only then, to be wrapped in a throw blanket as soon as you faced him. You stared at him a bit confused. Only then to realize, You were basically topless. Well almost.

🍁- And he saw it all. You instantly blushed and closed the blanket a bit more. He went back in in the room to grab you one of his shirts. As soon as he gave it too you, you turned around and put it on. Later that day, you both laughed at his reaction.

🍁- Although, Mk didn't think the view was that bad. He only wished he could have seen more- NO! Respect Women! He quickly shook off his thoughts and asked if you wanted to watch a movie. You nodded and he grabbed the remote.

🍁- As you both watched the movie, his eyes occasionally wandered to your breast a few times. He thought you didn't notice, but you did. You just didn't want him to feel bad so you let him.

🍁- he never got touchy with you. Even though he wanted to. He wanted to hug you and hold onto you. But he was afraid that he'd make you uncomfortable and you'd never want to see him again. He wanted to tell you but he was scared. But he decided that he was finally going to tell you.

🍁-"Um, (Y/n)? I have to tell you something, and its totally ok if you don't wanna hear it!" He said trying to sound calm but the last part came out quickly. You grabbed his face and made him calm down quickly, "Mk, Honey, calm down. It's ok. Just tell me what's the matter."

🍁- He breathe in and out before continuing, "I.. I want to be able to hold you. Like, hug you, kiss you, and be able you make you happy. I want you be the person that you can rely on. I... I love you, and I want to keep you safe..." He said tearing up and not keeping eye contact.

🍁- you only smiled before kissing his forehead and smiled at him, "Oh Qi. You know I love you more than anything. You should have just told me how you felt. I don't care if you want to hold, kiss or hug me, or even hold hands. I don't have a problem with that. Also, you don't have to worry about me. I can defend myself. You've known me for how long? I'm going to be ok." You reassured him happily.

🍁- he smiled and hugged onto you tightly. Eventually, you both ended up cuddling on the couch, even sneaking little kisses here and there. Your little movie night went perfectly. And you guys later on decided to take a nap.

🍁- so you both headed to the bedroom, and then you both ended up cuddling up with each other before muttering tired, "Love you (y/n)" and "Love you too Mk". And with that you both fell asleep.

🌺Hi, I've been procrastinating on this but I got it done. Originally it was supposed to be out yesterday. But I got distracted. So here it is.-Author-chan🌺

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