010:🌸Nezha 🌸

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🌸 Jealous Nezha x (f) reader 🌸

🌸- This Wasn't how you thought he'd react with you spending time with Wukong. But then again, you weren't talking to him. Why? Well you both had an argument and well ended up giving each other the silent treatment. He knew you upset you but that was no reason for you to leave him for his frenemy.

🌸- he watched you giggle and laugh at Monkey king's jokes. Completely unaware of his presence. Accasionally, you'd make a random joke and you two would end up laughing together. You honestly enjoyed the attention, you didn't have any intention on actually leaving him. You hated how he never paid attention to you.

🌸- You understood that he was the maps protector, and his job was serious, but, he couldn't even stop by and visit you? Well, whatever. Why do you care? For all you care, he can shove that map down his throat. But, Of course you've never say that to his face, you still loved him. Nezha watched as wukong wrapped his arm around your shoulders. And dear Gods did that piss him off.

🌸- He clenched his fist and glared at the monkey in annoyance and glared daggers at him. How dare he put his arms around you?! Who did he think he was? The peach he was holding was being squeezed and it eventually, was squished completely. He decided that that was it.

🌸- He rushed down to the ground and stormed up to you both. He snached you away from him giving Wukong a vicious glare. Wukong getting the hint put his hands up and left you two alone. He walked away to find Mk and the rest of the group.

🌸- Nezha was then shine off of you and you walked a few inches with your arms crossed, you titled your head up, back stiff facing him and let out a "hmph." Before saying, "Now you want to pay attention to me? Ha, woooooow it must have taken a lot of your time to come find me, away from your precious map." Nezha flinched.

🌸- " That's not true and you know it (Y/n). I have a duty to uphold! You couldn't possibly understand what that means! Your still a clueless mortal!" You stared at him. You furrowed your eyebrows and teared up, "YEAH! SO I AM! I just wanted to spend time with you Nezha! But you kept brushing me off as if I'm worthless! But....... I can see you made a mistake in choosing me, I won't bother you anymore...."

🌸- You spoke to him with tears rolling down your cheeks as you turned away from him. You grabbed ahold of the lotus flower necklace around your neck and pulled it until it snapped. You then dropped it on the ground and walked off into the woods. He stood there in shock. Then his eyes snapped down to the necklace on the ground and he picked it up. He stared down at it and sadly huffed, he really messed up this time....

🌸- He felt awful.... He felt awful for what he did.... He neglected you and your feelings... He tried over the last few days to apologize to you. But eachtime, he was either ignored or you'd just walk away from him. During the days where you were ignoring him, the guilt of leaving you alone and hurting your feelings, he was blaming himself over it. Not once did he blame you though, in his eyes, you had every right to be angry. He understood the pain, the longing, and possibly the sadness that you must have been going through while he was gone. You were all alone and he didn't even give you a passing glance.

🌸- One day, He had enough waited for you and when he found you, he instantly spoke up and apologized. Apologized for the way he treated you, how he hurt you and how much he loved you. Before you could say anything, he pulled you into a hug and held you close to him. You tried to push him off but eventually you realized he wasn't going to let go and you just accepted it with a sigh of defeat. He held you tightly and nuzzled into your hair.

🌸- He held onto you and kissed your forehead. He felt awful, he get guilty. How could he say such things to you? You looked up at him and stared at him, for the first time, you saw him with a sadden look. And you just held onto him. You the buried your face into his chest and mumbled an, "I'm sorry......" He hugged you and rested his head on yours.

🌸- "Don't apologize to me, it's not you who should be sorry. I've been neglecting you for so long. It was wrong of me to take advantage of your kindness and love. I didn't mean what I said, it was wrong of me to take out my stress on you. I'm sorry I didn't realize how much you were hurting because of me. Please my love, won't you forgive me?" He asked gently.

🌸- You held him looked up at him. A small smile tugged onto your lips and you nodded, "Ok. I forgive you. But, next time, Don't yank me so hard. You almost tore my arm off." You said giggling with the last bit. He smiled and said, "Done. I Love you, (Y/n)." He smiled at you. You smiled back, "Love you too, hon."

🌸- You both walked into the direction of your home and you decided to annoy him, "So, You were jealous?" His face turned red and he quickly looked at you and said, "I-I was not!" You laughed and held onto his arm, "I think you were, after all, you the way you grabbed me from Wu says otherwise." He stared at you in shock.

🌸- "He has a nickname now?" He said in shock. You only laughed "Oh gods! You are jealous!" He sighed and looked away still blushing, "So what if I was, I didn't like how he was holding you. He should keep his hands to himself. Damn monkey." He said annoyed and not looking you in the eyes. You laughed and held his hand. "Don't worry, nobody could ever replace you, dear."

🌸- He nodded as said, "As for you. I guess humanity has produced something beautiful. I guess they aren't too stupid to recognize such beauty and grace." You giggle and gave him a gentle shove, "Stop it! I know your not too keen on humans. Trust me. Me too." That made him laugh. (Gasp!) Eventually, you both reached your cozy little cottage and you both went inside. After you got in you took a shower.

🌸- of course like a true gentleman he waited for you. Once you came out, you were in your pajamas and you sat beside him on the couch. You held onto him and smiled, "So, you admit you were jealous?" He sighed and nodded, "Fine. I was jealous." He looked at you and you were smugly smiling, he sighed and asked, "Your never gonna let me live it down, are you?" "Nope.~"

🌸- You both spent the night in each other's arms and cuddling. All you need to know is that he loves you and you love him. No matter how many times you fight. Nothing will ever change that.

🌺 Well, I didn't my best. I would say I didn't do too bad for my first time writing a Jealous character. But idk. Anyways you guys can keep requesting. It keeps me busy. Love-Author-chan🌺

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