007: 🌸Nezha 🌸

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🌸- You were a demigoddesses, you were responsible for the plants on earth. You often visited forests that were burnt down by wild fires and fields of dead grass. You also visited suffering villages in the winter time. You also cared for the wild life that roamed the earth.

🌸- You were a kind and merciful woman, but that didn't mean you took crap from anyone. That includes a certain know it all lotus prince. He acted all high and mightly as if he was better than you. But, you didn't care much to argue with him as he would with you. It seemed as if he enjoyed bothering you sometimes.

🌸- He honestly thought you were beautiful. He just didn't know how to talk to you. Everytime he tried he would get flustered and end up saying something rude. But, you never seemed to get angry with him. You'd only show him that kind and beautiful smile he loved so much. But he wondered what his family would think. After all you were part human.

🌸- you weren't a full diety like him. You were part mortal. And he normally wouldn't accociate himself with mortals. But,you were different. He didn't mind you, in fact, he wanted to be near you. He seemed to enjoy your company.

🌸- Even if he was the one coming to you mostly. He would never tell you this, but he liked you. Like really liked you. Of course he doesn't know why, but you had his heart. He would normally visit you to check up on you. Or just to be nosey.

🌸- One day, he ran into you by accident. Normally you wouldn't be out at night, but tonight was different. It was one of the only times of the year where you could bloom the blue lotus flower. It was a rare sight to behold. And you didn't know you were being watched.

🌸- You began to sing your Incantation. (Make it up if you want lol) as you sung, a beautiful huge of blue began to shine of your palms, you felt at peace. You felt happy to know that you would finally be able to grow a rare flower. Nezha watched in silence.

🌸- He slowly felt himself becoming captivated by your voice. It was beautiful, so sweet, and gentle. Gods he loved everything about you. From your hair, to your soft skin, from your beautiful (F/c) eyes. He smiled while listening to you, until he som TTehow lost his footing.

🌸- But, by that time, you had already grown it. And you were preparing to grow another one, until you heard him fall. You quickly turned around and walked up to him. You stood over him, "Hello? Are you ok? Nezha?!' he got up quickly and with an embarrassed blush spread across his cheeks.

🌸- "You, um. We shall never speak of this again." The prince said looking away from your eyes. Goodness, those eyes. They were even more stunning up close. He felt as if he could stare at them day. The way they sparkled in the moonlight.

🌸- Now, you seemed to be attracted to the prince just as much as he was too you. He was one of the only people who would come and visit you. He even helped you redecorate your garden when Wukong crashed into it. May seem like a stuck up guy sometimes but it was quite the opposite sometimes.

🌸- you both would come and sit beside each other at night and talk about your day. Of course he was busy defending the heavens and upholding his families name. You never knew yours. The one person who took care of you was an old man named Mr. Fiji. He was a kind old man. He encouraged you to use your power to help guide and protect others.

🌸- And that's exactly what you did. In fact, the lotus flower you just bloomed was for Mk. He would swing by every now and again just to say hello to you. He'd even bring some of Pigsy's noodles. You loved them dearly, they were like your real family.

🌸- You would visit him to give his family some lotus flowers to put their blessings on for their followers. You both would often spend a lot of time by your lake where you chose to reside. Nezha was getting better at talking to you. And he thought you were a fantastic listener when it came to his telling you his problems.

🌸- It wasn't one sided though, you would often come too him for advice. His advice was mostly helpful. You liked him, even if he was a bit of a know it all. You thought he was cute. But, you were too nervous to talk too him yourself. So you did the next best thing.

🌸- You sent him another blue lotus flower in a bunch of normal lotus flowers to his realm. Then you quickly left so you wouldn't embarrass yourself. Eventually, he found them while wondering around and picked up the bouquet of flowers up and held them. Then he was hit with realization.

🌸- A goofy lovestruck smile sqead across his face and he held the the flowers close to his chest while staring down at them. "She, She likes me. She really likes me." He said happily. Now, he had an excuse to see you. But this time he'll return the favor.

🌸- Poor (Y/n) she was shaking a bit. She was scared. What he didn't want to be with you? What if he wasn't interested in you. well, let's just say you had lists of things that could go wrong. You sat by the water and sighed, what were you going to do if he said no? Guess you'd have to find out later. Or sooner than you'd think.

🌸- In the mist of you wallowing in embarrassment you hear your name come out of Nezha's mouth. You quickly say up and looked around. You stood up and called out to him, "Nezha? Is that you?" You asked trying to see if he was there or if you were losing it.

🌸- He walked up to you with a smile and gently took your hands, you blushed at this action and stared at him, "(Y/n, I know it was you who placed those flowers in my realm." "o-Oh! Really hah? Um. So I uh, guess you know why I put them here huh?" You asked breaking eye contact with a nervous smile.

🌸- Instead of answering the question, he grabbed your face and kissed you deeply. You nearly fainted but you held yourself together and kissed him back. Your heart pounded as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You both broke apart to breathe and you smiled at him.

🌸- Then you fainted. Which made him panic. It was a perfect night indeed. Might have not gone the way you thought. But it's better than him rejecting you.

🌺Howdy, sorry if this chapter is rushed,I was rather busy today with alot of things so I wanted to get this out as fast as I could. Enjoy,-Author-chan 🌺

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