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🌸Nezah x child! Reader ( Platonic adoptive siblings🌸

🌸- If you'd told Nezha he'd be stuck with a kid a few weeks ago, he'd have looked at you like you were insaine. He probably would have called you crazy to your face even. And yet here he was holding a small mortal child. How did he even aquire the child? I dunno. But, you run him ragged that entire day. He knew God children had tons of energy, but mortal children were a completely different breed.

🌸- How could something so small have so much energy?! It should have been, no it can't be possible. Were you even a Human at this point? But, Nezha couldn't deny he saw a bit of himself in you from when he was a child. (Shows Creators confirmed Nezha to be an adult. And a few Chinese ppl confirmed Nezha being eternally 12 is false. So imma go based off those guys. Bc it's their culture.) Especially the rowdiness and need to fight anything that moves. He couldn't deny, you were a brat and threw some temper tantrums, and you loud lil shrieks and cries when you couldn't have your way was most definitely ear bleeding.

🌸- Eventually, he'd give up and give you what you wanted because he wanted to keep his ear drums. Of course like normal siblings your argue and fight. But, it was never physical on his part. He didn't want to accidentally kill you. Thats the last thing he'd ever want. Of course he'd do anything to protect you, in his eyes no mortal or god in the universe is good enough for you. You love your big brother even if he is a pain in the ass with the what you call the "Mature nonsense." He normally had to remind you that he's older, wiser, and that he knows and wants what's best for you. Even if you hate him for it.

🌸- In fights, it's mostly verbal and aggression. He was not prepared to hear you say you hated him. It broke him for a bit, and that was the first time in centuries that he'd been hurt emotionally. He will literally go silent and just leave the room. He will most definitely give you your space for a few days. Even not speaking to you verbally. Of course with him being your big brother and all you have is each other, you broke first and held onto him apologizing over and over again. He just let you hold onto him while he himself was hugging into you. He just worries about you. Your still a Mortal, not a god yet. Even if you were one, he'd still look out for you and protect you with his immortal life.

🌸-Oh he's not ready for the team years. He's ready but he'd not at the same time. Especially when your hitting the rebellious phase. He just hopes you don't turn into Wukong 2.0. Gods he hopes to Buddha that doesn't happen. He's worried about you 24/7. He's hesitant about letting you hang out with your mortal friend. If he knows they are a bad influence he will bring it up to you and just give you some advice. But if they take it too far and if what they are doing could hurt you or get you killed, he will shut that down instantly. He's scolding the both of you.

🌸- he wants you safe and sound. But, he doesn't want to restrict you too much. Arguments between you two are kinda rare. But, still possible. There is one rule he has that he's pretty serious about, absolutely under no circumstances are you to date. NO DATING! He simply won't allow it, as I said before, no one is good enough for you. He'd rather you stay single and play with the hearts of mortals than to let anyone marry you. That is an absolute no no. It's more of he needs to know he can trust the person to protect you if danger comes and he can't be there. But it's mostly because nobody is good enough for you.

🌸- He will glare at the guy/girl/ nonbinary or whatever with the intensity of the sun. He's is not playing. He will let them know that he doesn't like them, verbally. He will litterally say, "I don't like you, to be clear I hate you. But you make her/him happy for some reason. But just know, I will break your legs if you make her/him cry once. Am I understood?" Insert said person nodding quickly. That poor person is terrified.

🌸- And you best believe, none of those threats are bluffs. Hes for real, I'm not even joking, he's dead serious about those threats. If your partner asked, don't lie and say he's not serious. Because you and I both know, he is. He's not doing this out of spite, just from a protective nature. He himself used to be a human, he knows how cruel humanity is and how selfish humans can be. It's why he despises them so much. But, he could never bring himself to hate you.

🌸- He does things for your own good. But, he will let you learn your own lessons. Especially if you caused something to happen. Then when you admit your wrong and apologize and tell him he's always right. he'll nod and say, "Thank you." Or "I always am aren't I." And then help you with whatever happened. Sarcastic bastard.

🌸- At the end of the day, he loves you. And he wants you safe and happy. Up until the day he give you that immortal peach. It doesn't matter how old you are, you'll always be his baby sibling. And he will treat you with respect just as long as you do the same. He will respect your privacy and he wants you to know that you can always talk to him about anything. And that your not alone or do you have to be.

🌸- Your loved, he wants you to know that. And he will show you that you are. He may not fully understand your emotions but, he does his best. He's willing to learn and be patient with you. He genuinely cares about you and your wellbeing. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. He's willing to listen to your rants and be your shoulder to cry on.

🌺Hi. Hello. There's not much to say, so I'm boutta be out like a light by the time this is posted. if I'm not knocked out, I'll be working on the next chapter. You know the rules. Leave your request on the first page under the specific character, and I'll get to it when I can. As always, thank you for reading. -Navada🌺

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now