017: 💜DBK family 💜

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💜 DBK family x Younger child! reader 💜

💜- You held your paper in your hand. You were scared to confront your parents and older brother. You were afraid they wouldn't want to come and dismiss it. So, you didn't tell them. You hid the papers under your bed and went on bout your day as usual. You took after your father more than your other. You were born as a calf. With your Fur, hair, your little cow horns, tail, and bottom hoves. You were a dead give away that you were apart of this family.

💜- Now of course you learned to hide these features, and eventually and it became difficult over time. But, you still managed. Anyways, back to the story. The only time you weren't in your human form was when you were with your family, or around Red-son fighting Mk and his friends. You had dinner with your family where you all were talking, although you weren't as talkative as you usually were. Red-son took notice if this and watched you the whole time.

💜- Your mother asked if there was anything going on at school, you looked at her and noticed a worried expression in her face, "No, nothing happened mommy. I'm fine! Really." You said with a fake smile. Red-son saw through that as well. He knew all to well what a forced smile looked like. He definitely knew something was up.

💜- He decided to wait after dinner to confront you. Which he did. Eventually, you all left to do your thing and Red-son followed you. He stopped you by grabbing your shoulder and turning you to face him. He looked at you with a serious and protective look in his face, "What's their name? Who do I need to burn to a crisp, dear little sister." You shook your head, "No one! Why would you assume someone was hurting me?" You asked in shock.

💜- "You're never that quiet. You haven't been yourself lately. Mother, father, and I are worried about you." He said and his expression changed to worried and concerned. "I'm fine! Stop worrying about me! I don't need that, just.... Leave me alone!" You said running into your room and shutting the door. Red-son stared as you ran off. He felt like something was off. And he was going to find out what it was.

💜- You spent the night rehearsing your villainous lines, but with your own touch. You sighed and got ready for bed. You looked at the paper for your play and closed your eyes to sleep. The next morning, you woke up and got ready for school. And turned it into your human form. You hugged your father and said your goodbyes to your mother. And brother and left.

💜- You still hadn't told them about the play and you didn't plan on doing it anytime soon. You got to school and returned to the drama club to rehearse your line, you even fixed some of the lines to suit your villainous character. You then went to class and sat with your fellow students. After school, you returned to the Drama club to get ready for the show. And you were getting help from your teacher placing the makeup onto your face.

💜- You were the lead villain in a play. Instead of the hero's winning, the teacher thought it would be a good idea if the villain came out victorious in battle. You smiled and walked to the stage. And you nervously shook, too took a deep breath in and exhaled. You calmly waited to be called to the stage by your teacher. It was nerve wrecking but, you. powered through like the mini queen that you were.

💜- Back at home, you parents were trying to figure out what you weren't telling them. And they soon found their answer, Red-son came in with your play papers and showed them instantly, "I think this is why she's been acting odd lately mother." He said while holding the papers. Ironfan quickly grabbed the papers and read over them. "I see. Our little girl has been casted in a play. Its about to start let's go now!" She said the last part in a assertive manner.

💜- The family got up and teleported to the school before walking into the main entrance. A lady was leaving the office, iron fan stopped her and asked, "You There! Where is the play being held?!" The lady instantly recognized her and shook, "I- It's in the drama gym! That way!" She yelled cowering at the woman. Ironfan walked with haste and the rest of them followed her in persuit.

💜- She was not about to miss her baby's first ever stage performance. She wanted to be there and that exactly what she was going to do. She came through the doors and watched saw you with you foot resting on o child, "You pathetic hero's thought you could defeat a being a powerful as me?! Hah! How pathetic. It's a shame really, I was hoping for a challenge. How pitiful." You said in a bile tone if voice.

💜- Ironfan had to cover her mouth before she could let out a squeal of delight. Look at you, her Baby girl. What made it better, was you were dressed just like her. And you had a strong and melisous look in your eyes. Yes, a perfect little tyrant. Your father felt so proud of you. He almost shed a tear. Red-son was excited. He loved seeing this side of you.

💜- They stayed for the entire play. And happily clapped upon the ending with everyone else. You walked backstage and sat in your chair. You let out a sigh of delight. You felt powerful, you felt just like your mama. And you loved it. But, you did wish they were here. Maybe you should have told them. But, you felt they might have been too busy for your silly little play. Until, you heard your father call for you.

💜- "(Y/n)? Where are you?" You gasped in excitement man looked around, "Daddy?! Daddy! I'm over here!" You said looking around before seeing them approach. You got down from your chair and ran to them. You hugged onto your father's leg. He kneeled down and picked you up.

💜- "My little villainess, such a powerful speech!" He said with pride and happiness. You giggles and hugged onto him. Your mom smiled and held onto you, "My dear, why didn't you tell us you were in a play! We would have come!" She asked with concern. You let out a sigh and said, "Normally, you, Daddy, and Red-son are always so busy, I thought you wouldn't want to waste your time coming." You said with sadness.

💜- "Red-son gently held your hand, "Of course I would have come. Even if mother and father wouldn't have. But, next time, tell me when your the villain. It was rather enjoyable." He said with pride. You leaped down from your father and hugged onto Red-son.

💜- Your mother smiled, "I will come to any play you are in, in the future. Now, let's go home Darling." Your mother said as she teleported you all home in a gust of wind. After you all ate dinner and talked about how much you all loved the play, your parents and big brother put you to bed. Of course you were asleep

💜- "She's going to make a perfect tyrant one day." Ironfan spoke gently before kissing your forehead. DBK nodded and nuzzled you gently, "I'll kill anyone who dares to harm her." Red-son agreed and they left your room. You smiled in your sleep. While you dreamed of world domination. Such a lovely dream.

🌺Hi! More stories. I don't really have much to say, so I shall say this, Now eat my children. oh also, GIMMIE more requests.-Author-chan🌺

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now