008: 🍑Sun Wukong 🍑

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🍑 Wukong x insecure !bullied! (F) reader.🍑

🍑- You got off work early due to your boss being worried about your mental health. Of course, you tried to tell her you were fine. But she could see through it, she knew something was wrong. So, she decided to give you a few days off. You, knowing that you couldn't

🍑- You walked down the sidewalk with you oversized hoodie. You borrowed it from a friend. School was not easy for you. It made your progress at work even more difficult. You were suffering mentally, and well physically due to bullying. Most days, you'd use make up to cover your bruises. You'd just clean and bandage any external injuries like Cuts and slashes. Anytime someone would question it, you'd just lie and tell them you fell, ran into something, or some other Bs excuse.

🍑- Wukong wasn't sure what was happening with you. You had been missing out on training visits with Mk. Normally, you'd come with Mk and you would cheer him on, but now you have been coming for a few weeks now. He missed you. He missed your kindness, how sweet you were, your adorable smile, and how you lit up when he'd hug onto you. But at the same time, he noticed something.

🍑- He noticed your flinch the first time he hugged you. At first he thought nothing of it, until you did it again. That time, he had lifted his hand to pat you head.when you noticed he was looking at you with a bit of worry, you only nervously giggled and mumbled, "Aha um... I- Uh. Sorry- I'm not to big on uh- head pats." You said while looking away with a nervous smile on your face. He furrowed his brows and stared at you.

🍑-Luckily for you, Mk called you and you quickly left. You didn't notice the look he was giving you while you quickly walked away. His look of confusion, slowly turned into a look of concern. He could remember someone from a long time ago who had the same reaction as you to his hug and his touch. He wasn't too sure at first. But now, he understood that something was wrong.

🍑- There was something really wrong. He told Mk that he was cutting training short and he went looking for you. He looked everywhere for you, but was met with failure. Well he decided to look around using his golden eyes and he eventually found you. After pin pointing your location, he started hopping across roof roos to get to you.

🍑- You were in living room, you were putting on face foundation in order to cover the purple bruise on you cheek. Today was no different than the other times you'd do this. You weren't planning on visiting the Monkey king today. But, you did have to at least look fine in order to fool Mk and Mei when they facetime you. After you were done blending it in, you moved on to cleaning the cut on you arm and cheek. One of your bullies managed to pull a knife on you.

🍑- And you ended up with a gash on your other cheek and arm from them trying to threaten you. You couldn't cover that with make up so you just cleaned the cut and placed a bandage on it. Just as you finished your phone rang. You got too it and answered it. Mei and Mk happily greeted you and you greeted them back.

🍑- "Hay (Y/n)! I was super bummed when you didn't come today! But, I understand that you were probably busy, so it's cool.' Mk said happily. Mei have a rather skeptical look, "Um, (Y/n)? What happened? You have a big bandage on your cheek." You nervously laughed and thought of a quick lie, "I-I uh, I fell at work. Yeah, um someone left a sponge on the floor and I slipped and I guess something sharp got on my cheek."

🍑- Mei and Mk looked at each other worriedly and smiled back at you nervously, "Oh ok. Are you ok? You seem kinda jumpy. We could come over and-" "No! I-I mean, no, you guys don't have too. I'm fine really. I have go now. I'll see you guys later bye!" And with that you hung up the phone. You let out a soft sigh. Then you heard a familiar voice on your patio.

🍑- "You know peaches, it's not good to lie to your friends." You whipped you head around to see Wukong leaning against your door frame. "Monkey king! What are you doing here?! And why are you here?" You asked in confusion and nervously. Was he mad at you? It sure looked like it. Although he seemed more agitated than mad.

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now