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🍁Cuddle Monkey! Monkey!Mk x reader🍁 ❤️Fluff❤️

🍁- Mk was feeling deprived. Lately you had been too busy to hang out with him anymore. He understood you had a life, you had your hobbies, and you had your job. And he didn't want to get in the way of that. But, he missed you. He missed you so much, he just wanted to be near you. Sometimes when his friends were busy, he would spend his time drawing you or playing games. But, sometimes doing that gets boring and repetitive.

🍁- He looked forward to the days where you'd come over to spend time with him. He always adored spending time with you. He loved you so so much. This time it hadn't been for a few days, it had been a few weeks and it was really messing with him. He was worried but at the same time, what if something had happened to you?! Oh Gods, what if someone had kidnapped you!? Mk felt his heart racing at the thought of you being hurt or anything happening to you. He was so scared...he had to protect you. He was in love with you. He decided he was going to find you on his own. He was going to get some answers.

🍁- He got up from his bed and stretched, jumped into the shower, put on his clothes and grabbed his backpack. He put his charger, a few spare things inside, an extra set of earphones, and then he bolted out of the window. He summoned his Nimbus cloud and made his way through the city, determined to get to your home. He stopped on the way to grab a couple of snacks for you both. He planned to spend the whole day with you. Call him clingy all you want, but in his defense you hadn't been by in weeks.

🍁- After a good bit, he finally found his way to your house. He got off of his nimbus cloud with his tail swaying as he perfectly found his footing. He took me a deep breath before knocking. In an instant, He could hear the sounds of things dropping in the sounds of rapid footsteps coming towards the door and your voice coming from the other side, "Hold on! I'm coming!" With urgency you open the door, and to your surprise you saw your bestfriend.

🍁- "Mk?.... What are you... Doing here..." You asked tilting your head a bit confused. It became clear to MK from the moment he saw you. The dark circles, the messy hair, you hadn't gotten much sleep. He wondered what was going on, What was making you lose so much sleep. Mk quickly snap out of his trance, "I...I was worried about you. You hadn't come by in weeks. Not even visited Pigsy's... What's been going on? I want to help. I care about you..." He said looking at you with a worried but soft look.

🍁- You looked at him in shock, "You....You were worried? About me?" You asked in a bit of shock. Mk looked at you like you were crazy for asking such a question, "Well, Duh! If I didn't I wouldn't have come all the way here! I missed you! You stopped coming to see me! I got so scared something might have happened to you! Gods Y/n! I love you! Yes! I said it, I'm in love with you! Is that so friken surprising?! I got so scared because I thought someone had taken you or worse! You know I have some enemies that would do anything to get back at me.... So why would you scare me like that?!" He asked while his fur poofed up and his tail lashed from left to right rapidly. He had tears in his eyes and eventually they came running down his cheeks.

🍁- You stared at him speechless. You knew mk was always under pressure from being a hero and having to fight all of these bad guys, but you figured you were the last thing he should be worried about. And now here he was, sitting on your doorstep having to scold you like a child. And now he was crying, oh Gods what have you done? You quickly grabbed his hands, "Mk! No, please don't cry. I-Im sorry. It's my fault. I-I..... I haven't been getting enough sleep and life's been kicking my rump and..... Gods, I am So sorry I made you worry like that. I never meant to hurt you. I was just....." You Did your best to try and explain. But the words just wouldn't come out anymore.

🍁- Mk stared at you intensely before his gaze completely softened. Instantly he clung to you in one big hug. His face gently buried in your shoulder with his arms wrapped around your waist. You were taken back by his sudden action, Just a few minutes ago he was angry with you. Now he was holding on to you like his life depended on it. You slowly lifted your arms and wrapped it around his waist and returned while muttering, "M'sorry...." MK didn't respond He just told you. A few minutes into the hug he eventually let go and he started to turn around and leave. You quickly grab told of his arm and said, "Wait. Please. Stay?" You asked somewhat desperately.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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