Chapter 7 | Lost

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A beautiful, vast golden sky. Trees that gleamed like jewels under the fading sunlight. And that house that resided in the nook of it all.

My home.

"Sora, come on, you need to hurry." My cousin Ella nudged my side, snapping me back from being enthralled by the view.

"Yes. Yes. Are you sure no one will find out?" I looked at her in worry, and she shook her head.

"I'll try to keep them distracted. As long as you're back before dawn breaks, they won't find out. So just be back before then."

"Okay. Oh archons. Mom will beat the crap out of me while crying if she found out. And dad will make sure I don't leave the house until I'm forty."

"That's if they find out." Ella smiled mischievously, and I backed away.

"You have the creepiest smile sometimes."

"Is that the way to talk to your wonderful cousin who's helping you with your wierd ideas?"

"You're the best looking cousin I have, Ella." I gazed at the sea, hoping my lies were washed away.

"I'm your only cousin, you nincompoop."

"Yeah, yeah. Now help me get on the boat."

"Remember, you have to be back before dawn. Your parents and my parents will kill me if they find out I let you go out in the middle of the night. And for such a dumb reason, too." She folded her arms and sighed.

"Sure you don't wanna come with me?"

"No I don't wanna come see whatever festival the archon is holding. And besides, someone has got to distract them."


"It's not like not going there is gonna kill me. Shut up and go before your wonderful cousin changes her mind." She flipped her hair and I rolled my eyes, taking a paddle in my hand.

"Bye, my annoying cousin. I promise to be back soon."

"Don't make me throw my boots at you."

Mesmerising lights that had me captivated. Crowded streets lined with glittering lights. Loud whispers carried by the wind. A happy, joyous atmosphere that I wanted to be a part of.

Being outside and enjoying myself, I didn't notice the time pass by. When it was almost time for dawn to break, I ran.

Exhausted by paddling and running, I stopped some distance from my warm house. was..

Darkness closed in, and suddenly I was falling into the sea. Falling, and being engulfed by the darkness. Slowly, slowly, I sank.

"It's your fault."

"It's all your fault."

"You deserve to die."

"Why not just kill yourself?"

"...-san. Kurimiya-san, wake up? Kurimiya-san."

I woke up panting, and immediately groaned in pain. Kunai wounds were at least better than arrow wounds, and I'd rather have them over arrows any day. My vision was blurry, but my senses weren't. I could sense someone moving around near the bed, and my hands reached for a pin that I kept in my hair. Only, it was gone.

With the fading light my eyes adjusted to, I saw white, then light blue. A tall figure.

Instinctively, I backed away, gripping the blanket just in case I need to throw it and obscure his vision.


"Don't come close." The familiar voice, which should have put me at ease, made me feel more alert.

"It's me. Kamisato Ayato."

He stepped close, and I threw the blanket up, creating the perfect chance for me to escape. I should have been able to, but my body wouldn't move the way I wanted it to, falling against the headrest and hitting the wound.


"Kurimiya-san, please stop trying to escape." His voice was calm as ever, as if what happened before was just a dream.

"Didn't our contract end? I see no reason to stay here-"

"Calm down first."

"That's rich coming from you, Kamisato-san."

He sighed, and moved back just enough. His brows furrowed together, and his lips were in a tight line as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I..I apologize, Kurimiya-san. I didn't think rationally and caused you to be hurt when I should've been thanking you."

"Oh." This wasn't how I imagined it would go. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Am I that horrible of a human being in your eyes?"

"No? I mean.. you aren't, really."

"It's alright to say I am. What can I do to make up for this?" His gaze was sincere, and it was then that I noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

"Have you..been up all night?"

"Hm? I suppose."

"You should lay down. You look like you'll fall."

Fall for me- shut it, Sora.

I didn't expect him to actually lay down next to me, so I violently ended up hitting my head on the wall when I rolled over.

"Are you alright?"

"It's too hot." I made up an excuse.

"You do have a fever."

"Fever? That's never been this bad."

He turned to face me, and my heart skipped a beat. This man was just too handsome to explain his attractiveness with just that word.

"I'm actually surprised it isn't worse. You were poisoned, you know. And a lethal dose at that."

"I'm gonna kill them," I declared, glaring at the ceiling. "Who the hell poisons someone by stabbing them with a rusty kunai? It was so rusty. How did they even expect a clean cut? That's just unacceptable."

Ayato chuckled, and I directed the glare at him.

"Don't laugh at me."

"Sorry. It's just that, wouldn't you normally be more worried about being poisoned?"

"Don't worry. Poison doesn't really affect me."

"I see. Now would you give an answer to my question from earlier?"


"What can I do to make up for this?"

"Hm..I don't know..let me think about it and I'll tell you later."


"For now, sleep. You could use some."

And somehow, for the first time in years, I slept with someone by my side.

Was it alright to trust him?

I don't know anymore.


So the next update may be quicker just because

Have a great day and thanks for reading guys.

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