Chapter 31 | End of Contract

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"Are you sure you want to leave inazuma?" Kazuha asked me again, a frown on his pretty face.

It had been a few days since I left the Kamisato estate, and a few more since Kazuha found me wandering in the Chinjuku forest. He had offered me a place to stay for a while, and had offered me to join their journey to Liyue too. Beidou had also consented, and even though I offered to pay, both of them had refused.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Kazuha sighed, resting his hands on the wooden railing of the ship. "I'm just worried, my lady. You seemed so happy here."

Did I?

I guess I was really happy.

"Everything must come to an end some day. It's better to end it on a good note than a bitter one." I forced a smile.

"If you say so. We'll be departing tonight, so please do enjoy the time you have left here."

I nodded and watched as he walked into the cabin. When I had first come to inazuma, I could never imagine wanting to stay here. Now that I'm finally leaving, every happy memory seemed bittersweet.

No matter what part of it was in line with the commissioner's plans, I had truly felt like I belonged somewhere for the first time in a long time. Although I didn't bid any of the friends I had made goodbye, perhaps it was better than way. At least then I could pretend that those relationships were genuine. I did contact my teacher, but he had already left for Snezhnaya.

Beidou had started to drink sometime before nightfall, and the crew was merrily urging her on to tell them the story of her defeating the sea monster, even though they'd probably heard it a million times. It was a joyful atmosphere which reminded me of the time we celebrated the commissioner's birthday.

Trying to get out of depressing thoughts, I told Kazuha I was going to take a quick stroll through Ritou.

It was here that the commissioner first made me get a taste of his weird drinks.

It seemed that no matter where I was in this nation, I ended up thinking about him.

The sun sank, welcoming nightfall which shrouded everything that wasn't touched my moonlight in darkness. I could only make out a few stars in the pitch black sky.

It was strange, but I wished I could see his face one more time.

"Hey there." I froze at the voice I recognised in seconds.

Turning around so fast that I almost got whiplash, I stared at the man standing infront of me.

"What are you doing here, Commissioner?"

I expected myself to be angry, to yell at him, yet the only emotion u could muster was disappointment.

Unlike his usual white attire, he stood with a black shirt hugging his figure, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, one hand on the pocket of his pants. His lips tugged upwards forming a curve that highlighted the mole at the corner of them.

A work of art.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," he finally said. "I saw the resignation letter."

"It seems like you want an explanation. But you're the one who owes me one, Yashiro commissioner."

"Why did you leave without saying anything?" His imploring gaze made me look away.

"I heard what you said to the adviser. Although I'm sure you know that already."

"I concluded as much."

"Then I'll ask you again, why are you here?"

"I want to talk to you." He took a step closer, and I took one back.

"Sucks to be you then. I don't." I scoffed. "Please go back to the Kamisato estate."

His brows furrowed at that, like he couldn't understand what I was trying to say.

"I won't go back. Can you spare me a little bit of your time?"

"So you can get information about fatui from me?" I folded my arms defensively, trying to keep my voice even.

"That's not-"

"No, that's it. That's why you approached me. Not because of Ayaka. Not because you needed an experienced assassin or wanted to stop my attempts. You.." I trailed off, my voice barely a whisper, "you used me."

"Sora, if you'd just listen-"

"No. I don't want to hear your excuses. Not anymore."


"Don't. Commissioner, don't cross that line. I've indulged myself to fall into your trap, to believe in your even tell you things I've never told anyone before."

"And I'm glad you told me because-"

"Because you can use me." I let out a wry laugh. Laughing at myself for being stupid.

"Will you please let me explain?"

"Fine." I sighed. "But I'm not having it your way. I'll ask questions, and you answer them. And then we're done here."

"If that's what you want." His eyes were downcast, and his shoulders slumped in disappointment.

"Was it your plan to get into the fatui information using me?"

"Yes. But-"

"Did you plan to use my feelings to reach that goal?"

"Sora, that's not what I-"

"Yes, or no." I gritted my teeth.


"I don't think I have to hear anymore. I'm leaving, so don't come looking for me. Use some other woman dumb enough to fall into that trap." I turned to go, but he caught my wrist, and pulled me back to face him.

"You're leaving?" His eyes were frantically searching mine for an answer, his grip tight on my arm.

"Let. Go."

"Don't go. Stay. Sora, please stay."

I wanted to ask why, but his hurtful words from that night still echoed in my mind. It hurt. And it hurt more because, damn it, I wanted to stay. I wanted it all to be a lie.

His hand reached out to wipe the tear that had fallen, and I swatted it away.

Fuck. Didn't I do enough crying for a lifetime?


I backed away, and pointed my sword at the man I would die for, the blade glinting in the moonlight. "Our contract is over, Commissioner. I've kept my end of the bargain. There's no reason for us to see each other anymore. Our ill-fated ends here."



I figured since I did leave you guys on a cliffhanger I'd update soon. And for those of you celebrating Christmas, this is your Christmas present. Those of you who aren't it's a holiday gift ig.

Btw, update on the Nsfw book I was talking about:

It's going to be about Childe.

Yes the ginger.

And maybe I'll see if I can get it out for you to read today, or new years.

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