Chapter 33 | Eons

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"Why are you here?" I slammed the books on my desk, and scowled at the pretty face that lit up the room with its glamour and otherworldliness.

"To take part in the lecture I heard was interesting." He smiled, unfazed by the murderous intent. As soon as I stepped into the classroom, there he was, seated comfortably right infront of my desk.

"You aren't a student here."

"But knowledge is for all, is it not? Everyone deserves a chance to gain an education, and learn. I heard Sumeru lectures were all-inclusive. Was that not the case, professor?" He glanced at other students pitifully.

"That's right."

"We should definitely let him partake."

"Please, just once, professor."

The students took his side, and the great actor remained pitiful until I finally agreed, albeit reluctantly.

He's gonna leave soon.

It'll be fine.

He'll leave.

That was what I told myself.

Over the course of the next few days, Ayato kept disrupting my schedule, always showing up at the most unexpected times and out of thin air. It didn't help that his face was dazzling my students to do his bidding, his charm winning them over regardless of their gender.

It was after a gruelling meeting that I was finally able to catch my breath. I found myself on a side balcony overlooking the sumeru city. The lights from different places bustling with people appeared like a thousand golden fireflies in the night. I wondered if I would be able to be one of those lights. Just living an ordinary life. Maybe it was the chaos that I had lived with for so long that built the desire for mundane, but I truly wanted it. To be happy, carefree even.

Only time would tell.

Footsteps put brakes on my train of thought, and I sighed as Ayato leaned against the railing next to me.

"There you are, Sora."

"Why are you here?"

"I came to find you," he stated it as if it were the most natural thing in the world for a upper class noble Commissioner to seek out an assassin.

I let out a wry laugh. "Why? Can't you see that I'm trying to forget it all? I'm trying to forget you."

"No. I can't let that happen."

"Why?" A hoarse whisper, barely out of my mouth. "You're a cruel man."

"I'm afraid so." He smiled sadly, almost regretfully.

"You used me."


"You hurt me."


"You won't even let me forget you. Forget everything."

He held my hand, and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss, the action making my heart waver. "How can I not relish in those memories? The world may forget, but so long as I remain breathing, I will never forget you, Sora."

"Why? Do you need fatui information that badly? Surely there are other ways," I said with a mocking laugh.

"I don't care about that. Could you let me explain myself, please?"

This was the Yashiro commissioner. The one wielding tremendous power in the political system of Inazuma, the head of Shuumatsuban, the head of Kamisato clan; feared and renowned. He was cold, calculating, and would get his way. It was hard to believe that the same man was standing infront of me, pleading me to give him time.

Falling for him was easy. Falling out of it wasn't. So I ended up nodding my head, even though I knew shouldn't.

I would hear him out, and tell him to get lost. I wasn't being swayed by that pitiful look.

No way.

"When I first met you, you tried to kill me." He laughed, like he was telling a story of how he had won a beetle fight. "It is true that I learnt you had ties to fatui early on, and that was why I lured you with information I didn't have. Ayaka's assassination attempts weren't a lie, but it was a lie that I couldn't deal with it without your help."

I rolled my eyes. Did he have to show off his competence?

And you lied to me about the Information? You're lucky you're nice to look at.

"The chase with Hiiragi Genji was one that could be dealt with swiftly, but I drew it out. I wanted it to be longer. I wanted to get close to you to get information. I wanted you to trust me."

"Yes, I know."

"But what I failed to realise at the time was the reason why I wanted that to happen had changed. It wasn't until I saw tears in your eyes that I finally realised it. And by then you were already gone."

"You didn't really expect me to stick around while you made me your puppet now, did you?"

He sighed. "You learning about this wasn't a part of my plan."

"I figured."

"I had planned everything once I realised it. But you, you always managed to throw my plans out of the window."

"What are you trying to say, Commissioner?"

He looked me in the eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"What I'm trying to say," he said, red dusting his cheeks, "I've fallen for you, dear assassin. I've fallen for your snide remarks, your inability to eat my cooking, your selfless nature, your threats, your warmth and your attempts to kill me."

I forgot how to breath for a moment.

Why do I have to be so down bad for this man?

"Was the last part really necessary?"

"Yes. And although this fiasco could have been avoided, its due to my lack of understanding of my feelings that led you to be hurt. My actions, although were taken with best interests of Inazuma, I have failed when it came to the person I liked.

"I know my actions have hurt you. Weather you forgive me and give me a chance to build our relationship is your decision to make, Sora." He stood up, his eyes taking me in, as if he were burning me into his mind.

"And thank you. Thank you for listening, even though you could have chased me away. I'll be waiting for your answer." Pressing one last kiss on the back of my palm, the smiled sadly before letting go.

"What if I don't answer you at all?"

He laughed, the sound lingering in my ears.

"Then I'll keep waiting forevermore."

"You're the Yashiro commissioner. Political marriage of convenience is inevitable-"

"If you won't sit on that seat, Sora, I'll just have to destroy it." There was an edge to his voice, the tone dead serious. "I can't have anyone else by my side."

"Truly infuriating. I'm not promising anything."

"Then I'll just have to keep on waiting."

"Even if it takes a long time?" I don't know why I asked. Part of me still doubted his sincerity. Ayato's smile didn't waver as the wind blew through his light locks, the sight more vibrant with the lights behind him. Then again, he was always a star that shone bright even in the morning sky.

"For you, my dear, I'd wait eons."


I wanted to draw a picture of this scene and post it here but haven't even started 🧍

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