Chapter 18 | Abyss sauce

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"Thank you so much, Beidou," I said again as we hopped down on the Liyue harbour.

The captain grinned in a way that was contagious. "Don' mention it. A friend of Lumine's is my friend as well."

She then leaned closer, and whispered, "and good luck with your man, Sora."

"My- wa- Captain beidou that's not-"

"Hm?" Ayato implored, and I ignored him.

After saying our goodbyes, we started walking around the Liyue harbour.

"So what exactly did your informant say?"

"That the sorry excuse for a human was spotted in Liyue harbour. We'll have to ask around discreetly."

"Roger. By the way, what are all these decorations? Is it rex lapis day or something?"

"Not that I know of. Considering the time of the year, it must be the lantern rite."

"A sacrificial ritual?"

Ayato sighed. "Sometimes I really wonder what goes on in that mind of yours. No it's not that. It's a festival. It's quite famous too. You haven't heard of it?"


"Then it's a good thing you'll get to see it this time then," he smiled. "To think that your first would be with me, Sora."

"You make it sound like.."

"Like what?" Ayato had that infuriating smirk again, and I wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his smug face.

He knew exactly what it sounded like.

"Shut up. Let's go get the information we need."

"The traveller said the adventurer's guild would be able to help." He started walking towards the aforementioned place, and I trailed after him.

There was a woman with I could only describe as a really symmetrical face, and she smiled as we came closer. It was Katherine.

"Ad astra abyss sauce. Welcome to the adventurer's guild." Sauce? Did she say sauce or am I hearing impaired?

"Do you have any information regarding a man from inazuma that came here for a commission? Perhaps for an adventurer to serve as his bodyguard." Ayato folded his arms, so I did the same, but I had a feeling we definitely looked like we were bullying Katherine.

That makes sense, and that might be what Ayato meant when he said he had gotten reliable information. Damned commissioner. You could've told me that.

"Ah. The traveller requested that she be assigned that commission."

Lumine sure works fast.

"However, as soon as that man heard that the traveller would be accompanying him, he said he changed his mind. Afterwards, he didn't come to the adventurer's guild again."

"A dead-end, huh?" Ayato murmured as we walked away. We sat down on a bench near a tree and Ayato visibly sulked.

"He must've heard about how the traveller is a good friend of the Kamisato siblings."

"I was hoping that wasn't the case. Maybe if I hadn't asked Lumine, he wouldn't suspect."

"Well, no use considering that now. Let's go find him."

He gave me a surprised glance.


"You can wallow in self-critism later. We have a man to find now."

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