Chapter 13 | Vision

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"You what?"

"You know, it's like saying fuck you."

"You were eleven."

"I'd been on the streets for long enough to learn."

A look of sympathy. It was something I detested, but coming from him it just made me wish he didn't know.

"Anyway, what they told me to do was hunt a monster and bring their scales as evidence of my feats. It was a monster that lived deep inside a cave in a snow mountain. It was extremely rare, and it's hide was expensive too. I think it was called a Yeti. I don't see them often so most travellers and locals alike don't encounter them."

"A yeti?"

"It's like a snow monster that uses cryo and electro. a lawchurl and a geovaship combined, I guess. I think they've gone extinct now."

" had to fight a mythical creature at eleven to join?"

"No, I had to defeat one."

"So, seeing as you joined the fatui, did you...or did you have help?"

"Help?" I laughed. "No one helps an orphan trying to do the impossible. The world isn't built to support the wishes of the desperate with nothing to offer in return."

"What happened?" There was worry in his eyes, and in the warm glow of the fire, they seemed more prominent than ever.

"Well, I had to find it at first. On that mountain no one goes to willingly. Had to walk for days hunting wild animals. And when they weren't there or I wasn't fast enough to get them, there was always snow."


"With some mint. Not half bad. I had frostbite for days because I didn't exactly have anything appropriate to wear on that mountain. I made some later with fur, though. I would have really appreciated a Pyro vision then."

"How did you get your vision?"

"On this same mission. I finally found the yeti in the cave. And after desperately fighting it, I somehow managed to kill it."

"Then you got the fur and came back?" Ayato presumed, a hand on his chin in that attractive way he does which made the mole near his lips draw attention.

"I.." I lost track of the story for a moment.

Concrete, Sora. This is pathetic, getting distracted by a mole.

"Yeah. Uh..not exactly. It turned out that there was another one. They were in mating season and since they're so rare the other one wasn't exactly happy to find that I'd made him abstained. My guy wasn't thrilled to see that he had to die a virgin or something."

I somehow wished there was a fancier way to word it, saying it to Kamisato Ayato.

I cleared my throat. "Anyway, I was weak from hunger and fatigue and it was right after taking the other one down too, so I ended up getting beaten left and right from the rampage he had. I think I almost died, and probably would have, if o hadn't gotten my vision at that time. Anyway, I got the yeti's head. Ah, two of them."

I laughed, remembering the scene. "You should've seen the look on their faces when they saw me come back with them."

"You've worked a lot to get in, and worked for the fatui for long, too. Then, why did you leave the organisation?"

"I..had my reasons. Anyway, here." I offered him a roasted lavender melons.

"Did you learn this from Itto?" He said, taking the fruit.

I nodded. "He's not half bad. He's noisy but.. it's nice sometimes. Don't tell him that."


"Ah, how did you get your vision, commissioner?"

"It was on my table when I wanted it most."


"Yes, it was."

"Commissioner, I never thought the day would come that I would talk to someone about those days." I grinned, genuinely happy. "Thank you for listening to me."


"Commissioner, your face looks a bit red. Is it too hot?"

"No. It's fine."

He turned around, and I frowned. I could turn the heat down. Maybe listening to my story made him feel like it was colder.

It was the next day that we got home. As soon as we stepped into the Kamisato estate, we were led by a housekeeper to another room, which we were told to go to after a shower and a change of clothes.

We went there together and I almost pulled out my knife when I heard the sound of something being popped. Little pieces of paper rained down on both Ayato and I, and I could only blink in surprise at the sign hung in the room.

Happy birthday!

It was today? Today?

Ayaka, Thoma, and Itto were the only ones there, which I found reassuring since I really hated crowds. Maybe they wanted to celebrate quietly, with people important to him.

I shouldn't be here..

I felt out of place more than I ever did.

There were flowers on the table, and an array of dishes along with drinks. A minute later, Ayaka walked up to be sluggishly which reminded me of a turtle.

"Sora, Sora, can you do me a favour?" Her eyes sparkled and it wasn't in me to say no to that.

"Ayaka, she's just come back. Let her-" Ayato interjected, but I interrupted him with a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, what can I do for you, Aya-chan?"

She leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "can you pick up the cake? I ordered one from the popular restaurant that opened this week. The guard outside knows the address."


I jumped out of the window before Ayato could stop me, and got the address from the guard.

It was easy to find the shop, and as I was on my way to the Kamisato estate, I noticed two individuals going on the same path. It was the traveller and her flying companion. One minute they were walking on the path, and the other they were fighting some treasure hoarders.

Like bees to honey, traveller seemed to attract danger wherever she went.

With a sigh, I took out my sword and jumped down, deflecting an arrow that was about to graze her cheek.

"Hello there, traveller."

The next update may be late

May something good happen to you today

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