Chapter 29 | Poisoned

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After the fiasco with Hiiragi Genji, the Hiiragi clan ended up making him take all the responsibility. He was taken by the tenryou Commission, and further away from Aya-chan. I went to give him a warning just in case he tried anything again.

Just as the commissioner predicted, the rest of the tri-commissions now focused on his marriage. They were lurking, waiting for a moment to strike. There was another meeting about clan affairs, but clearly political struggles had turned into undermining the Yashiro commissioner at this meeting.

"...and it would be advantageous for the Kamisato clan to be tied down with another prosperous clan."

"With the recent events, there should really be someone else to overtake the tasks Shirasagi princess does for now. Since we can't be certain she can carry them out forever."

"And the commissioner is also of age."

"There are rumours circling around..its best to take a step to calm the public."

"Yes the best way is for the commissioner to marry."

"What do you think, Yashiro commissioner?"

They weren't asking for his opinion; no. They were shoving their opinions in his face.

Their eager, twisted faces looking for a chance to put him in an unconventional situation made me sick to my stomach. I was used to dealing with malice, in my case it was all clear. I could deal with it easily. Here, it wasn't the case. They were like snakes, slithering in the grass beside you, always looking for a moment of weakness to take you out.

"I see," Ayato said, and looked at the cieling.

Did he notice me?

Since I wasn't allowed into the meeting, I found another way to be invited.

"I have given it some thought. Although I don't see how it is necessary, I have considered the facts on the matter."

"What is your decision, Commissioner?"

"Of course, it is to be engaged. And I have just the person in mind."

Hushed whispers grew louder, the shocked expressions filling the room. In the midst of the chaos that he had just caused, the commissioner sat unbothered.

In one insane, twisted logic, I hoped that person he talked of was me.

The meeting was soon over, and the commissioner had not revealed who his fiancée was going to be.

I went to find Thoma in the kitchen, and was surprised to find Aya-chan with him. They were both looking at something suspiciously purple that appeared vaguely familiar.

"Are you two cooking up poison?" I asked eagerly. There were some pretty good materials around here that would make the perfect blend.

At my question Ayaka looked horrified and Thoma smiled awkwardly. "Actually, Ayaka wanted to make you something."

There was an air of gloom around the Shirasagi princess, her usual calm gone.

"Oh..Aya-chan made it," I said, forcing a laugh. "It's just that I've never seen purple..uh.."

I glanced at Thoma for help, and he mouthed the name of the dish.

"Purple porridge. It's truly innovative. Wow, I can't wait to try it."

"You don't have to force yourself," Ayaka muttered.

"No, no. I'm sure it's good. Definitely good."

A good poison, that is.

"I'm curious though. What did you add to this.. exceptional dish?"

Ayaka smiled at the compliment. "I know you already tried Thoma's porridge, so I wanted to try something new. I used lavender melons and fresh herbs, and rice."

"Why all the cooking inspiration today?"

"You've done a lot for me, Kurimiya-san. You're a really good friend, and did more than I could ever ask for. So I wanted to thank you in some way."

I would have been moved, had it not been for death staring at me through the bowl infront of me.

"Thank you, Aya-chan. I' now."

I twirled the spoon in the porridge, and forced myself to take a bite. The blend of partially cooked rice, jueyun chilli peppers, and whole burnt roasted lavender melons made my stomach churn. There was so much salt that I could taste the sea. I had to stop myself from heaving.

After I had cleaned the bowl and Thoma had ushered Ayaka out to attend some meeting, I face planted on the table.

" did you ever survive?"

"I don't let them cook. Though it does happen occasionally."

"I think all my tastebuds have been haywired. I can taste rainbows."

Thoma, always the human manifestation of sunshine, poured me a glass of water. In the end, when I had asked him afterwards, even Thoma didn't know who the person the community talked of being engaged to, was.


So I'm gonna update one more, since I'm not sure if I'll be able to next week

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