Chapter 10 | Velikaia

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"I've already thrown that name away. Don't call me by that name."

"Don't tell me you've forgotten our deal." He stepped closer, his lips near my ears as he whispered, "you know you can't."

I moved away, backing into Ayato who was still unconscious on the floor. It wasn't life threatening yet, but it would be soon if I didn't get him out of here. I had contemplated to kill him, devised a Hundred or so ways to do it, yet when push came to shove, I couldn't do it. Now here it was; the perfect opportunity. I could go back to my old life and forget all about Kamisato Ayato.

"I also wanted to be friends with Kurimiya-san."

"Even if that time comes, I still wouldn't regret my decision. I'll trust you anyway."

"He's the housekeeper extraordinair of the Kamisato clan, Mr.Thoma. And next time we're gonna have a beetle fight, you hear me, dude?"

"Kurimiya-san, I made a new dish. Ah, don't worry, Waka didn't mess-uh..innovate it this time."

Thoma, Ayaka, Itto, Yae-san and the commissioner. I didn't realise how much life in narukami island had grown on me. Somehow along the way, I had grown used to them being around me. I had grown used to the warmth.

Okay. I have maybe twenty minutes to get the commissioner out of here before it gets life threatening. I would have to fight while defending him, so it wouldn't be as easy as I was used to.

Secretly, I placed a protective spell on where he laid, to avoid him getting further injured. I had only one thing to my advantage: he still didn't think I've become loyal to the commissioner. The element of surprise would be on my side, but it didn't make things any easier. Fighting him would be same as fighting a hydro abyss herald in terms of strength.

"I haven't forgotten."

"Good," he smirked. "now that we have that out of the way, die for me, won't you?"

"Dude what?"


"It's itto..nevermind. So I'm guessing you want to..what now?"

"You have already left the fatui. The only thing that remained was the deal. And now that that's taken care of, I don't need to walk on eggshells around you."

"You do realise that if anyone found out-"

"Exactly. The dead tell no tales." With a twisted feeling radiating off his mask, he flung towards me and I dodged, putting Ayato next to some rubble.

"I could say the same about you," I mused, and threw ice shards at him, which followed him whenever he ran. It successfully froze him for a few seconds.

"You're pretty cold, huh?" I laughed at my own joke.

"So it's true that gingers have no soul."

"It's red. And don't bring my hair into this. That's just the preview of all the blood you'll shed."

"Report to the harbingers; Velikaia, closest to taking over the tenth harbinger, died during the last mission she took on, the last mission she had been promised would be the end of her work as a fatuus."

"What are you doing, dude?" I flung myself at him, and hit his face with my sword.

"Can't you see?" He seemed annoyed. "I'm telling the report I have to write to the higher-ups."

"I don't see how you plan to escape from me."

"I literally trapped you in here."

"Small details." I brushed him off. "Ah, come to think of it, why were you guys after the Shirasagi Princess? You know we don't meddle in country's internal affairs..wait we did that last time too."

"It's not that the organisation itself is after that little princess."

"Then who?"

"Curious?" I could almost see him smirk through his mask. "I suppose I'll satisfy a dying girl's curiosity. We just lent a little help to a client who wanted her assassinated. Of course, we aren't risking it again, but that person won't give up so easily."

"Spit out the name, I didn't ask you anything else." I rolled my eyes.

"Is that the attitude of someone asking me a question?" He took off the mask, and his ebony hair fell on his pale skin. The contrast was remarkable, and under the faint light his features were more prominent.

"It's the attitude of me interrogating someone."

He took off his jacket, and I backed away.

"W-what the hell are you stripping for?"

"Oh? I didn't expect the cold blooded Velikaia to be shy."

"I'm not shy. Shut up. And stop stripping."

He didn't listen, taking off his shirt, and I tried not to gasp at the sight underneath.

Calm down, Sora. Remember Ayato's abs. Those are the only abs I'll ever drool at. Wait, why would I do that?

I don't like him, right?

Yeah. It's purely platonic ab drooling.

He laughed, the sound echoeing in the empty space.

"It's refreshing to know that even the great Velikaia has this side to her." He stepped closer. "But I'm just taking these off because it's hot in here. And I like to make it easy for myself to move. Unlike the commissioner over there."

He looked at Ayato's long sleeves, and I found myself nodding. Those would really get in the way. I wasn't completely sure how he even managed to fight with that, all the while being elegant.

"Then let's fight, shall we?"

I nodded, and was almost flung back when he came at me with surprising speed.

"Looks like this fight won't be boring afterall."

"I'll make it worth your while." He smirked, taking out his polearm. He stepped back and threw it at me.

What is with this guy and throwing..

He made use of the momentary distraction by using his vision, and jumped through the water to catch his polearm and stab me.

If he were successful, that is.

I blocked it using cryo, and froze the waves he made. Taking the wall apart, I made shards of ice which followed him before hitting his back.

Scarlet droplets fell on the flow, and he wiped some that was near his lips.

"You truly live up to your name. Too bad you have a handicap today."


He ran towards Ayato, his polearm clutched in his hands before throwing it.

It took all of my momentum to create a wall of ice which blocked the weapon, so he took me by surprise when he pinned me down to the ground.

His dark hair hung between us, and I could feel his breath on my skin. "How does it feel, lieutenant?" He whispered in my ears. "How does it feel like to be helplessly at my mercy?"


Manifesting Childe mains to join my world

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Have a great day

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