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THE MOOD WAS SOLEMN AS EVERYONE STOOD BEFORE THE GAVE ANAKIN HAD DUG UP FOR SHMI. The two blazing suns beat down on the group like it was taunting them. Cliegg stared at the grave, giving a speech to honor his wife, "I know wherever you are, it's become a better place. You were the most loving partner a man could ever have. Goodbye, my dearest wife, and thank you."

The only sound heard after the heartwarming speech was the sniffles of the group and Cliegg shuffling backward on the sand.

Anakin stepped forward, kneeling in front of his mother's grave and playing with the sand around it, "I wasn't strong enough to save you, mom. I wasn't strong enough, but I promise I won't fail again." His eye glances sideways to where Astrid stood. She was grasping Padme's hand, eyes glued to him. He wouldn't let her die (I feel like I should specify that the reason he's thinking like this is that the Force bond is heightening his love for Astrid to the point that he's obsessed with her). He stands up, "I miss you so much."

The heavy silence was interrupted when a familiar beep and whistle made everyone jump in surprise. Artoo rolls towards them, clearly holding a message.

"Artoo," Padme steps forward, "what are you doing here?"


A ROUGH HOLOGRAM OF OBI WAN IS PROJECTED FROM THE DROID IN FRONT OF ANAKIN, ASTRID, AND PADME. The hologram was flickering because of the bad service on Obi Wan's end which led Astrid to the question, where was he?

"Anakin, my long-range transmitter has been knocked out. Retransmit this to Coruscant," Obi Wan instructs, clutching his robe to his body to avoid the windy weather the plant he was on experienced. Padme reaches for the control board and transmits the message. "I have tracked down the bounty hunter, Jango Fett, to the droid foundries on Geonosis."

"The Trade Federation is to take taking delivery of a droid army here and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray," the Jedi Master continued, "is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala."

Astrid knew it wasn't the time, but said, "I told you they weren't after me."

Anakin looks at her with an intense glare, though a small smile grows on his lips, "better safe than sorry."

"The Commerce Guilds and Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an..." Obi Wan trails off, whipping out his lightsaber as a defense against something. Droidekas come into view just as the hologram flickers off.

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