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    THE GIANT STADIUM IS PACKED TIER UPON TIER OF YELLING GEONOSIANS. The cart that holds Padme and Anakin trundles to the center, where Obi-Wan is chained to one of four upright posts that are three feet in diameter. Astrid had made her consciousness clear as she stood beside Count Dooku with Jango Fett's gun to the small of her back.

    The Separatist leader knew of Astrid's tendency to fight, even if the odds weren't in her favor, so he wasn't taking the risk of losing the precious opportunities of killing three of the Republic's most important people.

    The Apollonian looked at the stadium in horror, she was about to see her friends fight for their lives. Her eyes connected with Anakin's, who sent her a reassuring smile. She struggled to send one back but did nonetheless. She didn't want him to die before she ever got to admit her feelings for him.

    The cart stops and Padme and Anakin are taken down, dragged to posts, and chained to them. Anakin is in the center. Padme pulls a wire from her clothing and places it in her mouth subtly, but Astrid catches on and her body relaxes slightly.

    Sun Fac rises to the podium of where the higher-ups stood–which was where Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, bothe Fetts, Dignitaries, Poggle the Lesser, and Astrid stood. Astrid stood there with a scowl on her face as Jango Fett's gun dug into her exposed back. She cursed herself for wearing a backless jumper.

    "The felons before you have been convicted of espionage against the Sovereign System of Geonosis. Their sentence of death is to be carried out in this public arena henceforth," Sun Fac announces. The crowd roars with cheers sending a cool shudder down Astrid's spine.

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